Lieutenant Parker

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Time skip 7 weeks.
We lost Jones. Sucked because I really liked her. 6 weeks ago we lost Shay. I wasn't badly hurt in the explosion. Severide hasn't shown to work the last week. He took Ferlo. I'm the relief lieutenant.

I got up. I showered and put on my work clothes. I did my makeup. Then Antonio walked in.

Antonio: Morning baby.
Kendra: Morning.

He kissed me and then got in the shower. I went and made us breakfast. We ate. I grabbed my stuff.

Antonio: Love you
Kendra: Love you to.

I kissed him. I went to my car and got in. I drove to 51. I walked in.

Kendra: Morning ladies.

I said to the guys as I walked by. I went and put my stuff away. I went back out just as a blonde walked in. She looked like Shay. I stopped and looked at her again. It wasn't Shay. I went and sat down at the table.

Capp: Anything from Lieutenant?
Kendra: Nope.
Mill: Hey what'd I miss.

There was cheering.

Kendra: Glad your back kid.
Mills: Happy to be back.

He went inside. The blonde came out with Gabby.

Gabby: Guys this is Sylvie Brett.
Sylvie: Nice to meet you guys.
Mills: Peter Mills
Capp: Capp.
Tony: Tony.
Kendra: Kendra Parker.

She smiled and they walked to 61.

Truck 81 squad 3 ambo 61 single car accident.

We went and suited up. I put my coat on as we pulled up. I got out. I went over to the vehicle they landed right on the hydrant.

?: Help my wife.

She was drowned in water.

Kendra: Alright let's get this back window out. Then the front. Try to get her out.

Capp broke in the back window.

Capp: It's not enough.
Kendra: Front window.

He knocked out the front window.

Kendra: Legs stuck. Let's get this thing on four wheels

We positioned ourselves along the roof of the car.

Kendra: One two three

We pushed it to 4 wheels. Just then the hydrant cut out after we were already drenched. Capp got the door open and we put a neck brace on her then got her onto a backboard. Then paramedics took her.

Kendra: Alright pack up.
Mills: Mind if we stop by 21 on the way back?
Kendra: Not at all.

He smiled. I patted his back.

Kendra: We need Severide back I don't know how much longer I can do this.
Mills: Your doing great Lieutenant.
Capp: Lieutenant.

He said shaking my shoulders.

Mills: All those lieutenant opportunities and you decline, I can't believe you.
Kendra: I like my job.

We got in and went to PD.

Mills: Oh wait they won't want us inside were drenched.
Kendra: I have a idea.

We got out. Took off our coats.

Kendra: Pants aren't that wet.
Mills: True true. Come in with me?
Kendra: Sure.

We went inside.

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