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Time skip 6 months

Kendra and Antonio are married. Kendra is still in squad and Antonio's in intelligence. Casey and Gabby got re- engaged then married because they have Louie and they want to adopt him.

I got out of bed and showered. I did my makeup and then braided my hair. Then I put on my work clothes and snuck out of the room. I went downstairs and made breakfast then went and woke up Tim. (Tim is Kendras friends son.) Before I woke him up I got him clothes.

Kendra: Tim it's time to wake up

He rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly.

Kendra: I got you clothes. So get dressed and meet me and Uncle A downstairs for breakfast?

I asked him.

Tim: Ok.

I went out. I went to mine and Antonio's room. I opened the door. He was standing in the doorway looking at me.

Kendra: Hey breakfast is ready.
Antonio: Ok.

The moved his hand trying to stop my glare. I looked at him. He laughed.

Antonio: You ok? You seem a little pale
Kendra: Yeah I'm alright.

I started to turn around then I hit my head on the door.

Kendra: Ow

I said laughing.

Antonio: You ok?
Kendra: Yeah

I walked out. I went down the stairs and put orange juice in Tim cup then put it back in the fridge. He came down the steps.

Tim: Morning.
Kendra: Morning. Sleep well?
Tim: Yep. Where's uncle A?
Antonio: What who's that?

Tim laughed and Antonio started tickling him. We all ate and then Antonio left for work.

Antonio: I'll pick you up from Cindys after work.
Tim: Ok.

He hugged Tim then me and then left. I grabbed Tim's bag and my own and we went and got into my suburban. I drove to work. I turned off the vehicle and got out. I opened Tim door and helped him out. Then the screech of tires on the pavement a vehicle pulled up next to us a guy got out and yanked Diego from my hands he screamed bloody murder as I tried to get him back

Tim: Auntie!

then I was thrown to the ground. Two gun shots were fired.

Chief Bodens POV

We all walked in for morning meeting.

Boden: Morning.

Then a ear piercing scream and two gunshots. We all ran out.

Kendras POV

The vehicle drove off. I looked around and Tim wasn't in sight. There was a piece of paper on the ground. It said, "YOUR NEXT, BITCH"

Severide: Kendra?!
Boden: Are you ok?
Kendra: They took Tim
Boden: Someone call cpd now!
Sylvia: Are you hurt?
Kendra: No I'm fine.

I got up. I looked around the car.

Casey: Kendra
Kendra: They took him. I was right here.
Severide: Calm down.
Kendra: Calm. You want me to be calm? Would you be calm if some random guys took your son?

I sat against the car.

Foster: The teams on the way.

I started to think. I could hear faint sirens in the background. My hands were shaking.

The way things go ~~ a Antonio Dawson storyWhere stories live. Discover now