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I woke up and went to the locker room. I put on my normal clothes and brushed my hair. Then fixed my makeup. Then I went out and got my bag and went to my SUV. I got in and started driving home. Kelly called me. I answered.

Kelly: Hey were all at the firehouse still. We're talking about throwing a anniversary party for Hermann and Cindy.

I stopped at the stop sign.

Kendra: Sounds fun. When?

I started to go

Kelly: Your on speaker.
Casey: Probably tomorrow night.

A white truck came out of nowhere ran a stop light and hit me.

Kendra: Shit

The car rolled twice. My breathing was heavy.

Kelly: Kendra Kendra what happened?
Kendra: No no no

I made sure I was ok. I was stuck.

Cruz's POV

I was right behind Kendra. She pulled ahead and a white truck came out of no where ran right into the side of her vehicle, causing it to roll.

Cruz: No

I picked up my phone and called 911.

911: 911 what's your emergency.
Cruz: This is Joe Cruz I am a fire fighter. One of my colleagues was just in a accident with a white truck. It's pretty bad we're gonna need at least two ambos maybe three and notify Hank Voights intelligence unit.
911: alright thank you Mr. Cruz. Can you tell me the location?

I gave her the location then I hung up. I ran over to Kendras truck.

Cruz: Kendra

Kendras POV

Cruz came up to the side of the window.

Cruz: Kendra

He was looking at the dent in the truck. It was on my side.

Kelly: Damn it Kendra talk to me
Kendra: I'm ok I'm ok
Kelly: What happened?
Kendra: I was driving and a white truck came out of nowhere
Kelly: 51 just got notified I think it's you the rest of us are right behind them
Kendra: Ok.

I hung up.

Cruz: Are you ok?
Kendra I think so
Cruz: I'm going to break the glass

I covered myself with a blanket. He broke the glass.

Cruz: Looks like your legs in there pretty good.
Kendra: Just get me out of here.
Cruz: I can't

The trucks pulled up.

Cruz: But they can.

I handed him my phone. He went and called Antonio

Antonio's POV

Kendra wasn't home yet.

Antonio: Come on babe where are you

Then my phone was ringing. It was her. I answered.

Antonio: Kendra baby are you ok?
Cruz: Hey Antonio
Antonio: Cruz?

Eva came in.

Eva: Daddy? What's wrong?
Cruz: There was a accident. A truck hit Kendra. They ran a stop sign. Her truck rolled and she's stuck in there pretty good.
Antonio: Where.

He gave me the address.

Kendras POV

They got me out.

The way things go ~~ a Antonio Dawson storyWhere stories live. Discover now