Survived the blast

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Next shift-

I got up and got ready for work. I fed the kids and got them ready for daycare then said goodbye.

Antonio: Have a good shift baby
Kendra: Mhm.

I kissed him.

Eva: Ew!

I looked at her.

Kendra: Ew? Oh come here turd

I quickly grabbed her and attacked her with kisses she laughed.

Diego: Mama!

We looked at him.

Antonio: No dada

I laughed.

Kendra: momma
Diego: Mama

I picked him up. I attacked him with kisses. Then I put them down. I hugged them both again then left for work. I rolled in and parked, then went to the locker room. I put my stuff away then went to briefing then had breakfast with the guys. After we got a call. We suited up and got in the truck. We responded.

Boden: Light the load on this one. Severide Kendra that's it get ready with a hose on the outside.

We went in. We searched the house.

Severide: Don't see anything let's get out
Kendra: ok

I went to follow him out then the chimney collapsed. I couldn't leave. I looked around for another exit. I saw the back door, I went for it. Then, boom. I flew.

Severides POV

I got out. Then boom. I looked behind me and Kendra wasn't there.

Severide: no
Boden: Where's Kendra?
Severide: She's inside
Casey: No

Kidd went to run inside. Casey stopped her.

Boden: Put the fire out.

They put the fire out.

Boden: Final search.

We searched the entire house, twice.

Casey: There's nothing Chief.
Boden: Ok. Make the proper authorizations

I went to call Hank.

Hank: Hey Kelly?
Severide: I have news. Bad news.

My emotions hit me.

Severide: go out by the team and put me on speaker?
Hank: Sure thing. Hey listen up.
Severide: We responded to a call. Kendra and I were the only ones allowed in. We agreed to come out. I got out then the place exploded. We haven't found Kendra.

Kidd came over.

Kidd: I'm sorry.
Antonio: She's not dead. No she can't be dead

Sobbing on the other side of the line.

Hank: We're on our way.

Kendras POV

I woke up. I took off my helmet and my mask. I breathed in fresh air. I laid there I shock. I just lived through that blast. Man am I blessed. I heard many sirens. They all stopped at the house. The fire was out. They must think I'm dead. I should be dead. I sat up.

Kendra: Ah.

I could hear crying. I sat up. I got into my feet and picked up my stuff. I walked to the front of the house.

Kendra: Can somebody take this

They all looked at me. I wrapped my hands around Severide as he hugged me.

The way things go ~~ a Antonio Dawson storyWhere stories live. Discover now