Kendra Parker is 27. She is a firefighter at 51. She has been for the last year and a half. She works on squad. Her and Kelly are close. For the last three years she's been seeing Antonio Dawson. Their happy together. She has history with Hank Voigh...
I got up and got my stuff together. I went to my car and went home. I got home and Antonio was sleeping. I went and showered then put this on,
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Then brushed my hair. I went out and made breakfast.
Antonio: Hey baby.
I smiled.
Antonio: You seem happy. Kendra: I get to see you for more then ten minutes bell yeah I'm happy.
He laughed. I kissed him. I finished breakfast and we ate.
Antonio: So I stayed up last night and found the perfect builders to build our house.
He showed me.
Antonio: I started with the lay out plan also
We looked it over and talked through some things. I went to the pantry.
Kendra: I should go to the store.
I went and put on this,
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Then did my makeup and went back out.
Antonio: Where you goin? Kendra: To the store. Antonio: Ok.
I kissed him.
Antonio: Love you baby be careful. Kendra: Love you to.
I went down to my car and drove to the store. I got; Apples, Eggs, Milk, lettuce, cucumbers, bread, Pasta, Cereal, Rice, Oatmeal, Crackers, chocolate chips, flour, baking soda, vanilla, sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, coffee, Chicken, bacon, beef, dish soap, paper towels, toilet paper, and ziplock bags. I went and checked out. Then loaded everything in the car. I looked at my phone. There was a message from Antonio.
Antonio: We got a case. See you tonight I'll be home at 6. I'm taking you on a date no questions asked.
I answered him.
Kendra: Ok see you tonight.
Then got in and drove to the apartment. I got everything in and then started to make cookies. When I put the first batch in the oven the door bell rang. I went and opened it. There stood Kelly.