A "meh" day

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I got out of bed. Antonio wasn't there. I went and showered then did my makeup and got dressed. I ended up wearing this,

 I ended up wearing this,

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Then put my hair in a side braid

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Then put my hair in a side braid. I went downstairs. Antonio was sitting at the table alone.

Kendra: Where's-
Antonio: They went to my moms.
Kendra: what?
Antonio: Yeah. I thought we could give them a couple days
Kendra: Oh ok.

Then my phone was ringing. It was Hermann.

Kendra: It's Hermann
Antonio: Go ahead

I answered.

Kendra: Hey what's up Hermann?
Hermann: are you busy today?
Kendra: I don't think so.
Hermann: Antonio working?
Kendra: He leaves in about ten minutes. Is everything ok?
Hermann: We had a medical emergency with a family member this morning. Would you please go to Molly's for the shipment coming in then set up we have a party today.
Kendra: Ok yeah I can.
Hermann: Thanks. I'll stop by later.
Kendra: Sounds good.

He hung up.

Antonio: I have to go to work.
Kendra: Ok. Bye.
Antonio: Bye

He kissed me.

Antonio: Love you.
Kendra: love you.

He left. I went upstairs in Evas room. I opened the hidden door in her closet and pulled out my guitar. I took it downstairs and wiped the dust off then washed the table. I grabbed my bag and phone and guitar then went out to the suv. I put the stuff in then I got in. I drove to the gas station and grabbed a sandwich and then a large iced caramel coffee. I paid and went back out to the suv. Then went to Molly's. I ate then went inside. I cleaned and got the shipment in and put it all away. Then went and sat down on a stool behind the bar. I pulled my guitar out and tuned it with the tuning app I had on my phone. Then I played simple songs. After about 45 minutes no one had showed up. Then I played this song,

A slow clap.

Hermann: That was beautiful.
Otis: She's been teaching me guitar.
Gabby: I like it.
Hermann: We have a karaoke night tonight. Want to-
Kendra: Nope no thanks I'm good.
Otis: Aw come on they'll love you.
Kendra: No. No No
Otis: Your gonna think about it.

People started waking in. I put the guitar away.

Kendra: I'm gonna head out.
Hermann: Alright. Thanks Ken!
Kendra: Yep!

I went to my suv. I got in and drove home. I sat down on the couch and watched a show. Soon 5 rolled around. I got up and went to make dinner. I put dinner on the table. I texted Antonio. He didn't answer. He walked in.

Antonio: Sorry baby.
Kendra: It's fine.
Antonio: You ok?
Kendra: Yeah.

We ate. Then I went and sat down on the couch. He sat down. I leaned against him. He wrapped his arm around me.

Antonio: Are you ok? Baby what's wrong?
Kendra: I'm ok. I'm fine.

I I took a deep breath. Then tears rushed to my eyes. I got up. He grabbed my waist.

Antonio: Woah woah woah hey

I pulled myself away from him and went to the bathroom.

Antonio: Kendra

I shut the door and locked it. He tried the door.

Antonio: Kendra hun unlock the door.

I started to cry.

Antonio: Hey what's wrong baby talk to me let me in.

I didn't say anything. I sat there.

Antonio: Kendra.

I sat there a few minutes listening to him trying to get me to opening the door. Finally the crying stopped.

Antonio: Kendra let me in.

I washed my face and fixed my mascara. I opened the door and he fell into the bathroom because he was sitting against the door. I looked at him our eyes met. I stepped away and he grabbed my ankle causing me to fall.

Antonio: Oh shit I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that

He picked me up and carried me to the couch. We sat there. Soon we fell asleep.

The way things go ~~ a Antonio Dawson storyWhere stories live. Discover now