
635 11 1

Next shift

I got out of bed and got ready for work. After I went out and made breakfast then woke the kids up.

Kendra: Guess who's birthday it is? Hey baby. Your one!

I picked up Diego. He had a huge smile. I carried him downstairs. We had breakfast. Then I got up.

Eva: Mommy do you have to work?
Kendra: Yeah.
Eva: But I want you to play dollies with me!
Kendra: I know baby I'll play dollies with you when I come home. Ok?
Diego: Mama!

I hugged Eva.

Eva: Mommy don't leave please mommy!

I grabbed my bag. I hugged them both.

Eva: Mommy!
Antonio: I started your car.
Eva: Mommy no mommy stay home

Diego started to cry. Eva broke down crying on the floor. Antonio hugged me.

Eva: Mommy stay here

I hugged Eva again.

Kendra: I'm sorry.

I hugged Diego and then left. I drove to work. I had to pull over. I cried. Then I co tinged driving because I had to get to shift. I drank some water and got fresh air. I cleaned my face off with water then went inside. I put my stuff in my locker. Then went to briefing.

Boden: As you all know. Carter will be blessing us with his presence here in a few minutes.

Some of the guys groaned.

Boden: As much as I tried to convince the commissioner I could not get Kendra the day off so Diego and Eva will be paying us a visit later.
Severide: Now that's the Chief I know.
Cruz: Way to make a kids birthday a birthday Chief.
Boden: Terrance Max and Annabelle will stop by too. 

We all nodded.

Boden: There's Grissom. Make it a good one guys.

Grissom walked in.

Grissom: Morning 51. I hope everyone got good rest last night.

He looked at me.

Grissom: this is my grandson, carter. As you all already know today is his birthday and I expect him to be treated with respect. He knows how to stay out of the way. He's going to watch the calls. He'll ride on squad three there then I'll meet at the call and make sure he isn't in the way. Everyone understand.

They all said a form of yes. I didn't say anything.

Grissom: I'll be back at 7 tonight.

He left. We went out. I sat down.

Carter: Who are you.
Severide: Lieutenant Kelly Severide. Squad three.
Carter: You.
Tony: Tony squad three
Carter: Bald guy,
Capp: I have a name. It's Capp. Squad three.
Carter: And the lady.

I sat up.

Kendra: Kendra Dawson. Squad three.

He got up.

Casey: Captain Matt Casey truck 81.
Gabby: Paramedic in charge Gabriella Casey.
Sylvie: Paramedic Sylvie Brett.
Kidd: Stella Kidd truck 81
Mouch: Randy McHouland truck 81.
Otis: Brian Zvonocek truck 81
Hermann: Lieutenant Christopher Hermann engine 51.

The rest of them introduced themselves.

Severide: How old are you kid?
Carter: I'm 9.
Severide: Huh.

Ambo 61 man in distress.

They went out.

Carter: Where are they going?
Severide: On a call.
Carter: Shy don't you guys go?
Severide: Because it was for ambo.
Carter: Oh.

We sat there. Squad three truck 81 engine 51 person trapped.

We went out onto the floor. I got suited up. I climbed up.

Kendra: Your in my seat.

The kid looked at me.

Kendra: That means move.

He moved. We rolled out.

?: That cars been down there for who knows how long. I can't keep track but I know there's a kid in there.

I didn't hesitate to take off my boots and pants and head first dive into that water. I went to the truck. I saw the kid. He was still conscious but had less air then me. I broke the window and pulled him to the top as fast as I could. The kid coughed. That's how I knew he was ok. Severide took him.

Kendra: trucks clear Chief.
Chief: you weren't supposed to jump in like that
Kendra: and if I wouldn't have that kid would've dead and you know it.

I took off my shirt and gabby gave me a towel. We went back and I got changed. I went back out. Casey patted my back.

Casey: Nice save. Glad you didn't hurt yourself.

I nodded. We went into the kitchen.

Eva: Hi mommy
Kendra:hi baby
Eva: Why is your hair wet
Cruz: Cause your mom saved a little boys life.
Eva: I have the best mommy ever

She said as she hugged my leg.

Antonio: That is true.

Antonio handed me Diego. I hugged Antonio. We celebrated Diego and then they went home and I went to my cot and passed out.

The way things go ~~ a Antonio Dawson storyWhere stories live. Discover now