Kendra Parker is 27. She is a firefighter at 51. She has been for the last year and a half. She works on squad. Her and Kelly are close. For the last three years she's been seeing Antonio Dawson. Their happy together. She has history with Hank Voigh...
I crawled out of bed and showered. Today was a off day. I did my makeup and put this on,
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I pulled back my hair. (Your the girl in the picture) I went out and had breakfast. Antonio had already left. Then my phone was ringing. It was Cruz.
Cruz: Today's the day. We have to do it today. Kendra: Their investigating the case Cruz: If we don't then he could die Kendra: It's against the law. Cruz: He could die Kendra: Fine. Bring the cover ups Cruz: Alright. .5 miles twenty minutes.
He hung up. The door opened.
Antonio: Everything ok? Kendra: Uh yeah everything's fine. Antonio: Who was that? Kendra: I need to run a errand I'm sorry I have to go.
I walked away grabbing my coat
Antonio: Baby-
I closed the door. I went out to my car and got in. I drove to the place.
Cruz: Hey. Here.
He handed me clothes. I put them on. We put up our hoods. I could see the teams cars.
Kendra: Cruz we could get in so much trouble for this. Cruz: We have to help him. Kendra: Alright.
We went. We walked inside. We went and found where they were. There he was. We stood up.
Cruz: Yo. Let's go
He started walking.
Tom: Where do you think your going. Ty: Out. Goodbye.
I put up my gun.
Tom: Who the hell are you Kendra: What do you care. Tom: A woman.
We bolted. We got out and ran in the field out of sight. We got to the car.
Cruz: Thank you. Tom: Yeah. Thank you.
I nodded. I got in my car and left.
Hanks POV
We had the guys in cuffs
Erin: Where the hell is Ty? Tom: You missed it. Ten seconds before y'all came in some bald guy and blonde hair chic came in the bitch had a gun and they bolted. Erin: Can you describe them? Tom: No Ty knew them tho. Leon. The guy sounded like Leon's brother Cruz. They were in all black couldn't see the faces. The girl had a ring tho married for sure. Antonio: We can run with that.
Kendras POV
I met Cruz and Ty for lunch.
Ty: I need to leave the city. Cruz: You do. Ty: I have a ticket. Cruz: Leave as soon as you can.
Then the door opened. Hank came in.
Kendra: Voight.
Ty got down.
Voight: Hey Kendra. Kendra: Hey. Voight: So we busted these dealers earlier. One of our guys. Goes by the name of Ty I think. Tom said some guy and a girl came in. He recognized the voice. And the girl. Blonde. Ring on her finger. Funny thing. That place had surveillance. We couldn't exactly see the faces but I figured out who they were. Why the hell were you two there Cruz: I helped my brother Leon out of the gang. Ty was his best friend. Ty came up to me about two weeks ago asking for help out. Voight: You should've came to me. Thanks for being honest. I was just trying to get the truth from you. Your not in trouble. Get the kid out of town.
He gave his evil smirk and left.
Cruz: Phew.
Ty came up. We finished eating and then Cruz took Ty to the train station and I went home. There Antonio was leaning against the kitchen table.
Antonio: Errands? Kendra: I just got back Antonio: You could've gotten in so much trouble. Kendra: I'm sorry ok the kid wanted help. Antonio: You could've came to us.
He kissed my forehead
Antonio: Just promise to tell me these kinds of things so I can help
I nodded.
Antonio: I need to get back to work.
I nodded and he left. I picked up the house and washed the dishes and did laundry and washed the windows and made cookies then made dinner. Antonio walked in.
Antonio: Hey.
He sat down. We ate together. I put the food away.
Antonio: You seem quiet? Kendra: Yeah sorry Antonio: What's Wrong?
He put his hand on my hip. I turned to him and got closer. He wrapped his arms around me.
Kendra: Nothing. I'm fine. I just was thinking. Antonio: Oh.
He let me go. I poured myself champagne and then we sat on the couch and watched a show. Halfway through I put my cup in the sink and went upstairs. I put on shorts and a t-shirt and laid down.
Antonio: Hey. What's up? Kendra: I'm just tired. Antonio: Oh.