#2 - A new day

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Don't worry I didn't forget about this book just some family issues were the main priority because my grandparents got COVID and my family was scared for them but they are getting better thankfully but that's not why you guys are here so I won't keep you too long but anyway I hope you enjoy the second official chapter of this book ~ N4rwale

After deciding what you are going to do you get up and get a call from an unknown number. Seeing as you never had a phone in the first place and then all of a sudden you have one made you question your life and this city and place even more. Deciding to answer you hear that it's a man named Lester.

                        (Time skip after phone call)

Lester finished talking a while ago but you still don't know where to get a job. While looking for newspapers to scrounge for jobs you get a text message from a man named Simeon and he has a proposal for you. He claims he will play some very good money for your assistance in some sort of repo type of jobs.

Y/N~ Hey I'm not sure how you got my number but yes I am interested.

Simeon~ great great I will see you soon I will send you the details later.

Y/N~ also before you go what type of work will I be doing?

Simeon~ don't worry about that you will see when I send you the details.

You close your messages and decide to browse the web a little bit while waiting for this "Simeon" person to text you again. You see a site where you can buy cars called Southern San Andreas Super autos you decide to open it and look around at all of the different vehicle choices from a tiny hot rod motorcycle to a full party bus with a massive skull and speakers on it.

While looking through the cars that I can't buy at the moment I finally get the text from Simeon but a random app appeared on my Home Screen called "job list" and there was Simeon. I accepted the job and my vision got blurry. I was sorta scared by my sudden vision loss but it's as if my body and brain knew what was going on. After what felt like a minute later I was able to regain my vision but I was outside his car dealership and I got a message saying I must go to the airport to steal some cars out of a plane that was about to take off. Looking at my phone for the map Icon I see that the airport isn't very far from my current location. Deciding against my better judgment I steal someone's car and start speeding away and even tho I've never driven in my entire life it feels natural and like I've been doing it since forever ago.

You are seen driving the stolen car through the city slowly getting closer and closer to your destination. As you are pulling into the airport a security guard looks at you with suspicion.

Security 1: hey what are you doing here?

Y/N: I'm here for a job. I'm supposed to make sure everything goes smoothly and according to plan.

He looks over at you again and speaks into his radio

S 1: hey I have some dude saying he is here to make sure that the place is safe everything goes smoothly. Do you know any of this?

S 2: uhh I'm not sure but let him in just in case~~

S 1: Alright I guess you're ok to go in just drive straight and around the corner over there to the right should be the plane.

Y/N: All right thanks buddy you're a lifesaver.

S 1: yeah yeah don't mention it.

As you're driving past him you can't help but think how poor this airport's security is if you just slipped by without showing any sort of ID or papers to prove you belong there but enough of that. You finally see the plane with both cars in the back and a bunch of cops and security guards around. They seem to be dead almost zombie-like just lounging around and not doing anything. Until one of them sees your car headlights and yells towards you. You couldn't hear what he said because you were in the car but all of a sudden he pulled out his gun and started shooting you. Everyone else started to shoot at me as well so having no other choice I rushed towards the plane with my car running anyone over that got in my way. I got out of my car and stole what seemed to be a gold-wrapped car. Once I got in they proceeded to shoot again and surprisingly their aim seemed to be atrocious when I'm in these supercars.

(Time skip to the second car)

So I just took the gold-wrapped car to Simeon's garage after losing the cops and now I'm driving some chrome-wrapped car but I haven't lost the cops yet. While turning a corner I saw a roadblock up ahead so deciding against that idea I turned around and started to accelerate only to be killed by a police officer in a helicopter. After what seemed like 5 seconds I re-spawned and saw a little dark blue dot around a corner a little ways away from where I originally died.

After getting the car back and losing the cops once again you began driving back to Simeon's car dealership.

Y/N: Damn this day has been crazy I've stolen 4 cars today and died once again. Some new information I've learned though is that the cops are brutal and don't seem to care much about safety more or less just to stop you one way or another but both involving your death.

After saying that to no one in particular you reach his store and bring the car into the back so he can see it for himself and give you his verdict. He seemed satisfied with your work paid you 25 grand and told me he would be in contact and suggest your services to more people around Los Santos that need help with odd jobs.

As I was walking away my phone vibrated and gave me a notification. Looking down towards it I see there is a bar at the top of my phone that shows 1————-2 and it's slowly filling up to the number 2. As it reaches I feel a slight pain in my body but overall I feel better and stronger. And then the bar is replaced with a 2—————3. You then realize that is your health and strength in some way and by doing jobs you can raise it. Thinking to yourself for a while you start to raise your head and say 

Y/n: I know what I must do..... I must become the best there ever was and ever be.

1273 words

And so this concludes this chapter please tell me how you liked it and what typos and other grammatical errors there are because I can't see everything myself. I'm sorry this chapter took so long to make I kept rewriting and overthinking this chapter for a long time but I'm glad I finished it and now you can all read it and I swear the next chapter won't take as long as this one lol. Anyway I'm out cya-N4rwale

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