#7 - The day the snowball began to roll

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HOLY DUDE MY FIRST CHAPTER ALONE HAS 1K READS THAT AMAZING. To celebrate this I will be doing nothing but thanking you all even more for this awesome milestone. Also, my book almost has 4K reads INSANE people read this mediocre dumpster fire story. After this book comes to an end I will be working on my next book which will be about yandere love that I want to work on so yeah that will be a thing. Again I thank you all so much for 1k reads on my first chapter and 3.97k reads on this entire book.

Ok, so I finally got more energy to write this book again so yeah.

This took me forever I'm sorry, genuinely.

3rd POV

Y/N is seen still sleeping on the couch after a little movie-watching session with a certain someone. There is a pizza box half opened on his coffee table with said pizza cold and stale. Angelina is seen walking into the room rubbing her eyes signaling that she too just woke up.

She walks over to Y/N and begins to shake him to try and wake him up

Angelina: Y/N wake up it's morning let's go do something.

Y/N: mmmm no I don't want any more chocolate muffins~~

Angelina: -_-

She walks away to the kitchen while Y/N is turning in his sleep. She is walking back to him with a cup of water and begins to pour it on his head. To her dismay, it doesn't work

Y/N: hehe no I don't want to take a bath in chocolate~~

After a minute of waiting she decides to take one of your cars and go for a drive. As she is reaching for your keys you are already there holding her arm. In some sort of anime teleportation type thing.


                                       (Y/N) POV

I let go of her arm as I take the keys from her hand.

Y/N: why are you taking my keys.?

Angelina: well I got bored and you wouldn't wake up after shaking you. I even poured water on your head but you didn't wake up. So I was going to take one of your cars because I left mine at my house.

Y/N: wait so how did you even get to my house?

Angelina: oh a friend dropped me off here.

Y/N: -_- ok sure. Anyway so now that I'm awake what do you wanna do?

Angelina: you~~.  ^////^

Y/N: I'm being serious.

Angelina: So am I. 0-0

Y/N: HAHA you're so funny sometimes. (why is she so flirty today?).

Y/N: anyway wanna go to the casino or something I want to earn more money to buy things to do heists like the facility because you can earn some serious dough from them, some cheddar if I must.

Angelina: yeah sure haven't been there in a while anyway. Also don't ever say that again it was kinda cringe.

I begin walking to my garage with keys for my Paragon armored car. Once me and Angelina get to my car we get in and I turn the engine over. It roars to life and I let the engine warm up for a few seconds before putting Into first gear and driving away. Toward the direction of the casino.

I drive up to the front doors and leave my car there for the valet to park. We both entered the casino, got our daily chips, and went to some random machines.

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