#14 - Plan of Attack (1/2)

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Hey everyone. Long time no see huh? Sorry about that. Life has gotten very busy ever since I graduated. College has been a big part of that. I haven't forgotten about this book though don't worry. It would be a lot easier if I had someone else to help me work on this book to keep the chapters constant but eh. I've recently gotten a lot of spare time so I decided to resume my work here. Hopefully my storytelling is still good or at least subpar.
I apologize again to everyone waiting for me to update this book. I shall continue working on this but more frequently now.
I love you all.
Especially y'all who have been patiently waiting. You know who you are.

I open my eyes to find I'm still on the couch. Looking to my right I see that it's dark outside, I must've been asleep for a few hours. Standing up I remember the events that happened at school. Groaning in frustration I realized my job is going to be extremely difficult without my special vehicles. Before I can think of anything else the need to pee hit me, so I went to relieve myself.

3rd person POV

Issei: Are you sure this is necessary? I think I'm ok on my own. Especially since it's my own house.

Rias: This is for your own safety. What if that guy comes back. He knew to look in our building, what if he knows your address?

Issei: I doubt he doe-

Rias: It's just best if we stay. Right everyone?

Akeno: I say so

Koneko: I guess

Issei: Wait where is Kiba?

Rias: Oh, he couldn't make it. He said he had something important to do.

Issei: Oh ok.

  (Y/N) POV

I was in one of the extra rooms I converted into a planning area with a map of the city. While looking at the school I realized I didn't know my targets address. This was a bad thing since he was probably there already and sleeping by now. Cursing to myself I realized that I needed to follow him after school to 1. Hopefully kill him or 2. Figure out where he lives. After ending that thought I decide to go back to bed as it's still night time and he doesn't get out of school till the afternoon of the next morning. Not sure when exactly though.

Time Skip to morning

I open my eyes to see that the sun is shining bright through my windows, signifying a new day has begun. I roll over to my left and see that it's only 8:46 am, issei still has a long while before he goes home. I roll out of bed and hop into the shower, there I decide that going to the mall would be the best way to kill time and possibly pick up some new items for myself. Getting into my usual outfit I get into my Itali RSX start to head to the mall.

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