#8 - This strange new world pt.1

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Over 2 months!? Dang, I'm a procrastinator.

I wake up to see Angelina is gone. It's not that weird judging by the fact she wakes up super early. I get out of bed and call her name.

Y/N: Angelina

No response

Y/N: Angelina!

Again no response

Y/N: Angelina where are you?!

But no response yet again.

I pick up my phone to text her but I see that she has already sent me a text.

Angelina: hey I left early because I got my place nearby so I won't be having to sleep in your house or my friends all the time. The address is 2044 North Conker Avenue.

I read the message and decided that I would go later to see if she was there. I get out of bed and put on a random black t-shirt that says (whatever you want it to say). I walk into my fairly empty garage that only has 2 cars and a random pedestrian car that I stole.

Deciding that I'd rather go over to Angelina's house now rather than later I got into the random street car put her address on the GPS and began driving to her house.

On the drive, I realized that I needed to attain a higher level to unlock more stuff and earn more money to afford more cars and better houses.

I reach her house and it's a good-looking place it's in the hills and probably cost a pretty penny. I park in her driveway outside her garage and walk up to her door, I knock on it and she almost immediately answers the door it is almost like she was waiting there to let me in. It was awkward for a little while because of how fast she opened the door but otherwise, it was ok.

Angelina: oh Y/N I didn't expect you to be here so soon. (Finally, he's here I waited for so long at the door)

Y/N: yeah I was bored and saw the note you left and decided to go right now and see what's up. Hope you don't mind or were you in the middle of something?

Angelina: oh no don't worry I wasn't doing anything I was watching Tv it's fine. So wanna come in? hehe.

Y/N: yeah thanks.

I walked into her house and it was relatively large, wait that's an understatement it's enormous on the inside from the outside it looks pretty small and cramped but on the inside is a whole new story.

Y/N: *whistles* this place is nice Angelina I gotta say I'm rather jealous. Do you mind giving me a tour of the place?

Angelina: Don't be envious you can live with me if you want, I got other rooms here. For your second question sure I'd love to give you a tour follow me.

Time skip because I'm lazy

Y/N: hey you mind if I order pizza? I haven't eaten today and I'm starting to get hungry. *hungry stomach noise* See my body is saying it out loud.

Angelina: yeah sure I don't mind as long as you pay for it. Haha.

Y/N: hey by the way do you have some ice cream?

Angelina: yeah.

Y/N: cool can I get some?

Angelina: only a spoonful.

Y/N:          :}   *pulls out a comically large spoon*

Angelina: -_- why do you have that?

Y/N: I don't know it felt like I was destined to bring this spoon with me today.

Angelina: ok whatever you say just hurry up and order the pizza.

Another Time Skip because I wanna go to DxD now.

Angelina: ayo the pizza here.

Y/N alright cool I'm on my way.

Angelina: hurry I already opened the door and you're paying.

Y/N: I know I'm getting my money out. *walks up to the front door* Hey what's up how much is it again?

Pizza guy: it's $34.63.

Y/N: alright here you go that's 40 dollars. Keep the change just have it as a tip. *grabs pizza boxes*

Pizza guy: thanks. *walks away*

Angelina: wow Mr. Big Baller got money to spend on the pizza guy.

Y/N: it was only like 5 dollars that he kept.

Angelina: still it's a pretty nice thing you did. Now let's eat.

Y/N: whatever you say and yeah let's.

Angelina: Aww what you didn't get the wings or the breadstick? :(

Y/N: yeah I didn't because I was paying for the food I'd rather not buy anything extra. -_(•_•)_-

Angelina: you're no fun. Hey, wanna watch a movie? I got a little home theater in here that I didn't show you on the tour.

Y/N: yeah sure I got lots of time to spend I don't have much to do today anyway.

I follow Angelina downstairs next to a waterfall on the stairs. She pushes one of the rocks in the bottom right corner and the water stops and the wall opens.  She walks in while signaling me to follow and I do. I walk through the door to see an immense home theater that looks like it belongs in a very fancy movie theater.

Y/N: WOAH!! Do you call this little? This place is huge.

Angelina: yeah I lied it's massive.

Y/N: -_- I feel like you're getting a kick out of flexing all your cool things to me.

Angelina: well I can neither confirm nor deny that.

Y/N: Q_Q. You're so rude.

Angelina: haha whatever let's go choose a movie. What do you wanna watch I got all the Shrek movies and pretty much every movie.

Y/N: oh do you have (favorite movie)?!

Angelina: Actually, that's the only movie I don't have.

Y/N: aww damn well do you have (second favorite movie)?

Angelina: of course I got it.

Y/N: cool

We walk towards the seats at the very back and sit down next to each other.

Time skip because it's hard to write a movie scene without knowing what movie it is.

Y/N: that was a pretty good movie ngl I enjoyed it.

Angelina: yeah it was my first time watching it and it was great.

Y/N: what can I say I have good taste in movies. That's my second favorite movie.

Angelina: Is it? Dang, there is a lot I don't know about you huh?

Y/N: yup and a lot I don't know about you. But that's what makes our friendship great. It's full of mystery.

Tuesday, July 20


1163 words

You know I said the DxD was coming in this part but I lied. I don't know why. I haven't been on Wattpad in like a month or 2 and like I said idk why. Anyway, I'm excited about the new GTA update and I wanna see the new cars and features. I will be more active here and update this book fairly soon. I haven't forgotten about this book.

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