#9 - The strange new world pt.2

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It's been a while since I've been to Angelina's house actually since I've seen her in general. After I left her house that day she had been extremely distant. I think it was because I mentioned the state of our friendship/ criminal partnership. I've been to her house many times but I don't think she's ever home. I think she moved out because I haven't seen any furniture for the past few days. I'll try to call her again tomorrow. ~ (Y/N)

I finished writing in my journal and got up to go and grab a drink of water. It's been a long time since me and Angelina hung out because I'm now level 249. I've just been doing a lot of missions and heist recently. I've done all of my facility one and even done the criminal mastermind challenges so I have a lot of extra money. Now I'm on to the casino heist. It won't be as fun without her though.

                       (Time skip 15 gta years)

My life has become extremely boring. Angelina is still gone and I'm now a level 3863 I have nothing else to do. I have by hundreds of billions of dollars and I'm basically unkillable but the cops still find a way to kill me. So that's cool I guess. I promised that I would help this low-level player out with some money by giving him a 100% cut on the Bogdan problem heist which should give him 1.1 million dollars. As I was looking for his name I jokingly invited Angelina and she joined. Being extremely excited I immediately started the job once she fully joined. We walk out of my facility and I immediately begin to barrage her with questions.

Y/N: Angelina where were you? You've been gone for so long. Why wouldn't you answer your phone? Did you move houses? Do you live with your friend again?

Angelina: Woah hey calm down why are you acting so outlandish and what do you mean where was I? I've always been here and it's only been a day. Since you left my apartment.

Y/N: No that's impossible it's been 15 years since we've seen each other. How are you on the same level as the last time we spoke?

Angelina: Like I told you it's only been a da- WOAH HOW ARE YOU SUCH A HIGH LEVEL?! 

Y/N: It's exactly like I said it's been 15 years and now we're here unless you were stuck in time somehow and by me inviting you to this job and you joining you unfroze. Sounds far-fetched I know.

Angelina: yeah that sounds about right because today when I woke up I went outside but nothing and no one was moving. I would crash into other people's cars but they wouldn't budge it was like driving into a wall. It was really weird. I was going to try and blow it up but I got an invite from you so I joined it.

Y/N: hmm that's extremely bizarre. Well since we're here now wanna do this heist with me you'll get like a million dollars from it. I gave you 100% of the cut.

Angelina: yeah sure I don't think I've done this one before.

I get into my car and Angelina follows close by. I make sure to keep her in my sight because I don't want to lose her again. I drive for a while because I have the facility by the military base. The ride was quiet mainly because Lester and Avon wouldn't shut up and Angelina wanted to hear this dialogue. I eventually reach the Stromberg and I get in and tell Angelina to fly the Avenger.

Y/N: hey Angelina do you know how to fly a helicopter?

Angelina: shouldn't be too hard right?

Y/N: no it's not difficult at all. You don't even have to fly most of the time though you just have to put it on autopilot and shoot helicopters.

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