#3 - The same old same old

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This chapter takes place a little time ahead to when you're not completely new to the game but still new enough to where you still join Simeon's jobs so like rank 50 is good I think anyway. I'm going to write the date every time I finish a chapter just so people can see when I published it.

I was writing this part right after the previous one but thank you guys so much for 1k reads and all of the votes and comments. I don't know what the votes are but I love seeing them in my notifications. All of the comments I get I try to read and reply to and I love seeing them too but just seeing people interact with this book just makes my day. Anyway, thank you all again. Anyway on with the story~N4rwale

                                      Y/N POV
I slowly wake up on my bed in a nice-looking apartment nothing special compared to others but still good looking. I walk towards my closet and put on some black jeans with (f/c) shirt and some (f/c) boots. I walked out the door and into my garage and got my armored Enus Paragon R that I won from the casino wheel. It's not fully upgraded because I'm just a level 46.

     Time skip brought to you by the oppressor mk2

After a while of just driving around the city looking at what it has to offer I got bored so I texted Simeon

Y/N- hey Simeon do you have any jobs for me I can do?

Simeon- yes my boy of course I do just wait a moment I will send you the details.

Y/N- right cool thanks

After 2 minutes of waiting you got a job invite to a job called RV Nearly There. Seeing as I've never done it I was in for a surprise. After loading Into the job I saw someone else in the job with me and I'm guessing he was using a nickname because his name was N4rwale and he was a fairly high level. No one joined the job so it was just me and him. After walking out of Simeon's dealership he started running to a SUV-type vehicle. It looked very armored and like it could take a missile.

When my character is talking I'm just gonna put N4 because spelling it out many times will be annoying.

N4- Yo dude hop in the door is unlocked

Y/n- hey it's cool man I'll just take my car

N4- just get in the car it's faster and stronger and if we complete this job fast we get paid more.

Y/n- OK dude I'm trusting you to not get me killed.

While he was driving he wasn't talking much he had tunnel vision and was purely focusing on completing this mission. I don't mind it's just a bit awkward but I'm just looking around and outside the windows.

Y/n- hey if you don't mind me asking what car is this?

N4- huh oh no I don't mind. It's called a night shark if you go to your phone and go to the website War Stock it should be there for 1.2 million dollars. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)

Y/n- thanks.

To pass the time I just started to use my phone and also check out this car he said.

Y/n- this car is nice and a bunch of other ones are nice too but I don't have that type of money right now.

N4- hmm

Y/n- yeah, I'm broke right now I only have 500k because I spent it all on useless cars that I end up selling.

N4- alright you know what I have this job this dude wants me to complete if you do this mission almost all by yourself I will do this heist with you. He is playing very good money I'm talking seven digits.

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