#4 - The Saint of Los Santos

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This book already has 30 votes I can't thank all of you guys enough seriously this is amazing and idk how to put it into words. My first chapter of this book has over 500 reads that's INSANE. But I'm being completely honest I'm super happy for having even one person reading this. Now you guys don't want me thanking you too much huh so without further ado the story~N4rwale

I turned around to see a helicopter plane-looking thing fly above me. I could faintly see my friend in the cockpit but had to cover my eyes because the lights on the thing were on. Slowly he started to lower the heliplane in front of me making sure he didn't crash into anything. Once he landed he got out and began to speak

N4-hey sorry for the wait I wanted to do this once you got here but something wasn't working on this baby and I had to contact my other friend who gave me this job.

Y/n- Hey no it's cool I sorta thought you were wasting my time just wanting to troll me but I guess not. 

N4- I would never do that, but anyway, hop into my Avenger so I won't have to come back outside and bring it in.

I climb into his vehicle I now know is called the Avenger and he proceeds to turn it on and begin to pull up. He pushes a button on the console in front of him and I begin to hear and see those familiar lights and beeping.  

I see that he landed on some sort of platform and he pushes another button different from the last, I hear some metallic crash and gears beginning to rotate.

Y/N- Hey what was that sound?

N4- yeah you know when I said something wasn't working? Yeah, I meant this button it folds the rotors inward to fit in here but it's messing something up and I'm not sure what.

Y/N- huh that's odd well hopefully the damage isn't too bad

                                   Time skip

N4- ok so I need to get into this car and you're supposed to get Into the Avenger and protect me but we're fine without it just follow me in your car.

He begins to drive off toward the ocean and I begin to follow him reaching a little beach area he shows me a speedophile jet ski

N4- ok look you are going to take this and follow me above water while I'm going to be under. I'll send you a message saying when to stop following me and wait ok?

Y/N- ok I got it.

I get on and wait and follow him for a little while until he sends me a message saying

Ok you're good right there~ N4

Alright I'll just wait here~ Y/N

After a while of waiting, I get another text saying

Uhh hey bro I might need your help the hatch on the sub is stuck and I can't get out can you go and get the Avenger and shoot one of the hatches open?~ N4

Yeah sure, hold on I'm on my way. Also, I don't know where the hatches are.~Y/N

The sub will come out of the water for a little bit you'll be able to see it.~ N4

Ok cool.~ Y/N

I turn on the jet ski and drive back to where I parked my car. I just drive onto land because I don't have time to leave it in the water. I get into my car turn it on and begin to drive towards the Avenger. I eventually reach it and turn it on. Some creaking noises happen but I was too preoccupied flying to the submarine to pay attention. I call my friend so we won't have to communicate through text. He picks up and I tell him I'm over the sub.

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