#15 - Plan of attack (2/2)

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New chapter is here. Not much to say. I've been getting back into rainbow 6 siege and dying light 2 considering I finally upgraded to the ps5. Also 2 chapters in less than 3 months?!?! Unheard of right? Anyway that's all I want to say. I love you all. Peace

3rd person POV

Y/N is seen standing in the middle of the room with Issei, Kiba, Akeno, and Rias all standing together in a line in front of the male. Koneko is on the sidelines bleeding profusely but she is still alive as she is a rook.

Kiba is the first to attack Y/N by charging in head first sword pointing straight towards Y/N's chest trying to impale it, Y/N rolls backwards and Kiba misses completely causing him to withdraw his sword attempting to block the pellets from the shotgun. Y/N stands up as Kiba is already blocking but it doesn't matter as Y/N fires and while some were blocked his arms and shoulders still took some damage. Kiba winces in pain but pushes through and goes for another attack, he starts to swing his sword at neck level causing Y/N to roll to the right. Seeing his opportunity Kiba shows his real attack and quickly switches the blades trajectory to swing downward on Y/N. Although most of the attack was dodged he still managed to cut off the front half of the males foot. Y/N was now at a huge disadvantage as he couldn't keep his balance.


SHIT THAT HURTS!!! I yelled internally but kept a straight face. Not like they could see it anyway behind my mask. Reality began to sink in as I realized how much damage that attack really did. I couldn't rely on that foot anymore to keep balance so my minigun and rocket launcher were no longer options. I switch to my heavy mg and start to spray into the blonde haired boy in front of me, rage and impatience was consuming me as I wanted this to be an easy job but they were making it difficult. Finally he had enough and I shot him multiple times through the arms and chest. I quickly stopped as it wasn't my job to kill him, I only needed him incapacitated and out of the way. I turn my attention to the red haired woman, Akeno, and issei who is shaking with fear and possibly pissed himself considering he is hiding his legs.

Akeno then starts to attack me. It was pretty hard to dodge her attacks as they weren't telegraphed like Kiba or Koneko. I just start to run around as best as I could with half of one of my feet gone. It was fairly difficult but I got out of the way for most of the attacks. The woman with red hair decided to intervene by shooting some sort of magic projectile in my path, I quickly stopped running and fell to the ground trying to avoid getting hit. As soon as I stopped I felt pain everywhere


Akeno: Seems like I finally got him~

The pain was unbearable as all my muscles were spasming and my body was being fried

3rd person POV

Y/N lay on the ground twitching like crazy while Akeno hit him with constant lightning bolts while smiling seductively, as if she enjoyed watching it. All of a sudden the heavy mg in Y/N's hand started going off in random directions completely missing the downed Kiba and Koneko, Akeno wasn't so lucky as she got a bullet straight through her shoulder.



Y/N quickly recovered and began to eat some candy bars and drink some sodas. Although he still had half of his foot gone he looked like he was never hit by Akeno. Surprised Akeno began to send lightning bolts at Y/N again but this time he just stood there getting hit while shooting her, this seemed to enrage Akeno
as she hit him with a massive lightning strike well over 500 million volts and 50,000 amps of current. Y/N's body immediately went limp from the attack falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

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