#11 - Getting situated pt.2

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Yo new chapter is crazy, right? Yup crazy indeed. Anyway, this is just going more into detail about your new living situation and how your life in DXD will still somewhat be like GTA. I might make a new outfit because I realized how bummy the old outfit is. Also, I said I was going to change it so yeah. Anyway, if my book eventually hits like idk 20k reads or 200 votes I'll go and fix my old chapters. The dialogue text is different in each chapter and it kinda bugs me a bit but I don't have the time or energy. But if I see this story do well then I'll do it for continuity purposes.
Anyway I love you guys

I was looking into my empty house in awe and wonder as I imagined all that I could do. As I walk around I begin to take mental notes of where things should go and what not.

Y/N: This would be a nice place for a coffee table/gun safe. A couch can go here. A nice big 60-inch TV can go here.

After looking at the living room I make my way upstairs to the bedrooms. As I'm walking I realize that I don't have any sort of income. Even though I have all the money I could spend in 3 lifetimes I need to be doing something to feel productive, if not I might go crazy.

I reach the upstairs and see that there are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I would've known this if I was paying attention during the tour but oh well. I walk into the master bedroom and it looks pretty standard 2 windows on either side of the room to my left is a walk-in closet that looks around 9ft wide and 8ft long. Turning away from the closet I walk up to a window and look out. Not much was going on outside which I wasn't used to seeing as I came from a world where there are no laws and no repercussions. Before I leave I open up Google and go to a store's website called IKAE and order myself a king-sized bed and a mattress.

(Time skip)

I walk out of my house and I turn to lock the door when a woman walks up to me.

Woman: excuse me are you the owner of this house?

Y/N: huh oh yeah why is something wrong?

Woman: oh no I just wanted to greet you, I'm your new neighbor. My name is Samantha by the way.

Y/N: oh that's nice. I'm Y/N.

Samantha: All alright well I got to the store and got groceries. I'll see you later then.

Y/N: Yeah I'll see you later then.

As I watch her walk towards her car I am reminded that I have access to the mechanic. I call him and request one of my cars. The neon

I watch as my car just spawns in front of me

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I watch as my car just spawns in front of me. I never understood how that happens or how it works but it gets me my car fast so I'm not complaining. I climb in my car and I begin to drive around to get a good sense of my surroundings. As I was driving I failed to notice I was in some sort of hilly area with nothing but the road around. I began to drive a little more to try and find some buildings or maybe even people around and to my luck I did.

Y/N: excuse me do you happen to know the way back to the city?

Farmer 1: oh yeah if you turn around and the first left you see take that one. It's a paved road, not a dirt road tho. Many people have gotten lost in making that mistake.

Y/N: thanks also why is there nothing around here it seems like a beautiful area to put a house or set up a farm

I see another person approaching my car and it looks to be another farmer. Lots of them around here I guess.

Farmer 2: it was but most of the land here got bought by some private company and they built an underground bunker sort of thing. We can take you to it if you want.

Y/N: yeah sure I don't see why not.

I get out of my car and I begin to follow them. For the few minutes we were walking it was very quiet I liked it but to them, it seemed to really bother them and make the whole trip uncomfortable. I don't blame them though a man in what looks like military gear and has his face covered is following you to some privately owned bunker of sorts (if you're using your outfit then just make yourself seem intimidating). We arrive and I start to look around the outside.

Y/N: this looks like a bunker from Los Santos.

Y/N: do you guys know if this is for sale by any chance?

Farmer 2: not that I know of.

Farmer 1: I'm not sure either there has been a sign on this place for the longest but we don't know what it says.

I walk over to it and it gives me a prompt on my phone that this property is for sale. I quickly go over how much it costs and other upgrades for it and I buy it.

Y/N: Yeah it was for sale and I just bought it.

Farmer 2: huh that's pretty cool you must either be really rich or it was super cheap but I'm guessing it's the first one.

Y/N: yeah you could say that I'm pretty rich. Alright well, thanks for the help I'll just go get my car and I'll see you later.

I wave goodbye as I walk toward my car going over the idea of me buying another bunker here in this new world. After 3 mins of walking, I reach my car and decide I will go inside and set everything up later while I look for other businesses that I can buy and make some more money from. I checked my phone to see if they also had a foreclosures app but they sadly didn't so I would have to go around the city and find them myself.

(Time skip 1 hour)

I reached the city with the little issue just having to crash into a few cars that weren't going fast enough but other than that it was smooth sailing. As I was driving I came across a park. I get out of my car and just begin to walk around looking at everything that this new world has to offer. I sit down at a nearby bench and look out at the sunset thinking just how great my life is. I can't die, I have all of the money I could ever want, I'm pretty damn good-looking, and I have a magic mechanic that can bring me my car instantly. I just sigh and smile just enjoying the day and my life thinking back to all of the people I've helped and the things I've done for others. After sitting and thinking for a while I walk back to my car and start driving home on the way there I see a nightclub nearby where I live. I mark it on my map and I head home planning on buying it tomorrow. I reach my house and I walk inside to see it still empty. I walked upstairs to my bedroom to see that my bed was already there and built. I walk over plop down and fall asleep.

Alright, that's this chapter done I hope it was good and worth a fairly short wait compared to my other breaks. I'm officially on summer break which means more time to work on this. I'm gonna be a senior in high school finally so that's cool. I'm going to try and look for a job and get a car so I can go Jim and work. That's about it for the ending on one thing. Love y'all so much bye.

1377 words

June 11, 2022

11:57 pm

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