#1 - The beginning

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3rd/Y/N POV
On a cold day in the void me and many others call home there was a slight shift, then a shake, then a quake, then finally a tear in reality. A light. An inviting light. A slowly growing light that eventually engulfed everything and everyone but before I could say anything I was knocked out due to the blinding nature of the light. (sorry if I put light too many times this is my first ever story so there will be issues whether it be spelling or grammar) when I woke up I realized that it was a light from a police station and I was holding a sign with my name. I guess it was a picture because I saw a camera in front of me. Once my picture was taken I was led outside and I was somehow at an airport?! I was looking around trying to find anything else but nothing it was all black and white static so I did the only thing I could I walked in.  I got on a plane with other equally as confused people and went on a trip to the unknown

                                      Time skip

We are seen arriving at an airport in a city called Los Santos but for some reason, I'm the only person on board even though I could've sworn I saw at least 10 others get on. I get off the plane and meet my old friend Lamar. (I forgot if they are friends because I created my character years ago and I'm too lazy to search up the intro. I'm going off of memory so feel free to correct me)

Time skip after race

I see Lamar leave and I'm all alone in the streets of Los Santos and the worst part is IM BROKE. I see other normal people walking around the street and remembering that Lamar gave me a gun I start to think

Y/N mind: Well I have a gun and I'm sorta desperate for cash right now so I have 2 choices I could either rob a store for a few quick bucks or I could just look for a job like a normal person.

I look around to try to find a bench to sit on and contemplate which decisions I'll go with. After a while of not finding anything I ask a lady for directions.

Y/N: Excuse me mam do you know where the nearest park is?

Lady: Yes it's just a few blocks down.

Y/N: Thank you miss have a good day.

I start to follow her directions and after a block or 2 of walking I see another person but they look different they look... dangerous. While looking at them I see a little blood-red circle pop up on their head. I try to turn around to run but before I can do anything he starts to shoot at me with an automatic weapon. Fearing for my life I pull out my pistol and start firing towards his direction. I grazed his arm with a bullet and I feel happy that I hit him but that was short-lived for it seemed that he got enraged and shot me in between the eyes. As I'm standing there slowly falling to the floor I see everything I've done in the past and realize that I haven't done anything for people to remember me. But what could I do I was everywhere and nowhere at the same time with nothing to do in the void and here I had a chance but blew it immediately. Then I hit the floor and closed my eyes.

I open my eyes to see what the afterlife is like but I'm surprised to see that I'm still in Los Santos. I start to think I'm dreaming but realize I'm not when I see the blood-red dot quickly coming after me again. Thinking on my feet I run down an ally way waiting for him to chase me down it. Not too long later he enters but he doesn't see me because I'm hiding behind a trash can. I listen for his footsteps to hear if he passed me already and thankfully he has. I slowly get up from my hiding spot to sneak up behind him and I pull out my gun to hopefully knock him out with the pistol grip. I swing my arm as hard as I can into his neck and he hears this but doesn't have time to react before he falls to the floor unconscious, I realize this is my chance to get revenge so I aim my standard pistol into his head and pull the trigger.

Time skip

Sitting on the park bench I reflect on what has happened today. When I got here I met my old friend who got me a car so we could race but had to take it back. He gave me a gun even tho I was reluctant to accept it. I've died and got brought back to life. I killed a man that seemed to have it against me. After I killed him he seemed to be brought back to life a little ways away but he ran away probably scared or he had something better to do. I then started to walk to the park and when I got there I looked for the nearest bench and sat down so here we are.

Y/N mind: Man this day seriously was crazy and I probably won't get used to it if it's like this every day. Well, at least the city looks beautiful from here so that's a plus. I still need a way to make money so I don't become homeless. I now know that I can die and be brought back to life but not in the exact location of my death so that might work in my favor if I decide to go with crime as my way of making money. Getting a job also might be fun because I could make money and eat food from there. The bad or boring thing about having a job is that I'll have to work every day and it might get repetitive and I will get bored and eventually quit. Also, the bad thing about crime is for setting up a robbery I might need a crew which I don't have at the moment and it might take a while to look for a target and do all the preparations to rob it.

So yeah that's it the first official chapter of this book tell me how you've liked it or tell me how you didn't like it I'm open to suggestions. Also, one final thing I'm sorry this took forever for me to make I was so excited about the new update for GTA that I was grinding the casino heist making extra money to make sure I could buy everything. And that's it so until next time which probably won't be for a day or 2 because of a new heist I'll see you later peace. ✌️

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