#16 - Unlucky?

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I'm really spoiling y'all. 2 chapters in 2 days never before seen. I am actually feeling pretty motivated to write this book so I'm capitalizing on it as best as I can. Hopefully everyone can appreciate many chapters in a short amount of time. Anyway I might upload another one tomorrow or Saturday but don't quote me. Anyway love you all, peace


I woke up feeling groggy and quite honestly in a bad mood. It could've been because of the loss yesterday or the fact that I slept wrong but who knows. I quickly hop into the shower and brush my teeth, I look at myself in the mirror pleased with what I see. I walk back into my room feeling a pair of eyes watching me, looking around I don't see anything out of the ordinary so I just go on changing into some casual clothes. I put on some (Favorite color) joggers and a (second favorite color) Shirt with an open black hoodie on top and some (random color) walking shoes.

3rd person POV

Y/N is seen changing into some casual clothes in his room with one of the windows showing inside. How lucky of him. Just outside the window in a nearby tree is a girl with a massive blush staring intently at him. Her red blush being very clear to see against her white hair. Although she wasn't there out of her own free will as she was sent there on a mission she definitely wasn't complaining now. Snapping out of her little trance she sees the male walk out of his room and enter a different part of the house. Y/N is grabbing the keys to his Krieger.

Y/N is seen driving out of his garage so Koneko began to follow him for as long as she could before he got on the highway and sped off

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Y/N is seen driving out of his garage so Koneko began to follow him for as long as she could before he got on the highway and sped off. Having no idea where he went she began to walk back to issei's house when she decided to go to the mall for a bit, wanting to kill some time.

Koneko is riding the bus when it finally stopped in front of the mall. Getting off the bus she began to walk towards the entrance through the parking lot. Looking at all the cars there she realized it was going to be fairly empty as there were a few dozen cars scattered around, that was until she saw a familiar looking grey car parked towards the very back. Remembering what she saw earlier in the day she bagan to blush heavily while holding her face in embarrassment. Shaking those thoughts away she bagan to walk in, besides, what are the chances she sees him inside?

Koneko POV

I walk inside, my face still slightly warm from outside. I take in a huge breath to relax myself and to completely forget about that. Walking around a bit I begin looking inside different shops selling different things, from clothes and shoes to outdoor stuff and video games. I went upstairs as nothing really caught my attention until I saw him again. My face immediately started to heat up and my heart racing I didn't know what to do so I quickly hid around a corner, not seeing that he noticed me and started walking in my direction.


I saw a girl look at me and quickly hide around a corner. Curious, I began to walk in her direction to see if she was ok or if she needed help. As I rounded the corner my eyes widened as I recognized the girl being none other than Koneko. Knowing she hasn't seen me in anything other than my combat gear I decided to play it cool.

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