#18 - Cant stop progress

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Whats up y'all. Just wanna say hell divers 2 is the best purchase I've ever made. It's super fun. Anyway I don't have much to say about the book and or the chapter so enjoy. Love you all

The time has come. The carefully laid out plan is now in full effect. (Y/N) is seen outside of his bunker he bought a while back getting his vehicle ready for what's about to come. Getting into the vehicle he turns everything on and does a simple weapons check. Shooting everything all at once. Confirming that everything was indeed working the (h/c) haired male quickly sped off to issei's house, hoping to catch him by surprise and without his body guards.


I finally reach issei's house but I notice the lights are all off. From my scouting at least someone should be home. I check the window leading to his room and find it as empty as the rest of the house. I climb back in my car and begin to patrol the surrounding area trying to find him, though it was futile. All of my planning gone to waste.

(Y/N): I should get some food then if I can't find him.

Driving to a random restaurant I pass by what looks like an abandoned church, I almost drove past it but a familiar flash of brown hair caused me to slam the breaks and investigate.

I crash through the front door in my weaponized Tampa causing it to slightly jump and land to a skidding halt. With the car facing sideways towards the group fighting I get out and scan the area for issei. Though I didn't have any luck finding him what I did see was that swordsman and Koneko facing off against a few people, not my problem. I quickly hop back into my car when suddenly one of the people fighting against Koneko and the male shot at me. Thankfully the armor blocked the shot, I cannot say the same about him. That pissed me off pretty bad so I took control of the miniguns and began to rain hell on the group. Trying my best to avoid shooting Koneko and her friend.

Koneko POV

Me and Kiba were having trouble keeping up with the priests, we both were fighting to the best of our abilities yet it wasn't enough. I was starting to lose hope when Kiba was overwhelmed and got sent flying back towards me. I caught him before he could hit the ground but he was still heavily injured, I could only hope someone would come help us. As if on cue something big burst through the front doors of the church, it being scary looking car. When the door opened I wanted to say something but it got stuck in my throat when I realized who it was. HIM. I was scared yet happy he came, I could only imagine what his intentions were for us but he seemed uninterested in me and my fight. He returned to his car but when a priest shot at him, it seems to piss him off. He quickly started gunning them down. The noise was so loud and terrifying I thought I was gonna have a heart attack but when I looked up everyone was dead and he was racing off deeper into the church.

Kiba POV



I finished mowing down that little group with the minigun and with that taken care of I drive deeper into the church, looking for issei. The missiles on my car made it fairly easy to navigate through the church as anything that got in my way I just blew up. Continuing my drive I eventually heard some more fighting coming from upstairs. I sadly have to leave my car behind. I walk upstairs only to find issei on the ground bleeding out and damn near dead on the ground.

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