#5 - The King pimp

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Someone in the last chapter wanted me to thank you guys even more so here it is ( I was going to do that anyway )

I can't say this anymore without getting annoying but seriously thank you all so much for reading my mediocre book that is presented. My first chapter has surpassed 600 reads that's awesome. 2 of my chapters were on the funny weed number.

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I saw this and I was like heh cool

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I saw this and I was like heh cool. Uhhh oh yeah my book is almost at 2k reads which between you and me is a lot. Maybe not compared to other fanfics but hey it's more than enough for me. But I just want to thank all of you for the comments (they're all funny) the votes and just reading the book it's amazing I am sincerely grateful. Anyway on with the story ~N4rwale

I woke up the next day to the sound of my alarm. Turning it off and climbing out of bed I begin to feel a little bit better about the actions that happened yesterday. Still feeling sluggish I walk Into my bathroom and begin to take a shower. I started to wash my hair to try to wash the bad memories out of my brain but I knew that wouldn't work but hey worth a try.

5 minutes later

I begin to get changed deciding to change into some new all-black clothes but keep some black boots. ( outfit mk 1 )

I leave my apartment and walk into my garage to see my newest car the Night Shark I bought yesterday. I get in and turn the key to hear the engine roar to life. Switching to IFruit radio I begin to drive out of my garage to go and see what shenanigans I can get into.

As I'm driving around I see a flying motorcycle without wheels known as an Oppressor MK 2 flying towards me. Getting ready to get blown up and killed I was pleasantly surprised that it took more than just 1 rocket.

He begins to send a barrage of like 5-6 missiles idk though kinda hard to tell when driving for your life. Again surprisingly it survived but just barely as it's starting to smoke. I think he ran out of missiles because he just flew away like I wasn't worth the trouble.

Driving to Los Santos customs to repair my car I see a person I've never met before looking around aimlessly. Deciding to forget about not wanting to talk I pull over to greet them but they pull a gun on me. She begins to speak in a very jumpy voice.

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