#13 - Finding hay in a needle stack

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I am finally done writing this chapter and I hope it came out pretty good. Hopefully no major spelling errors and confusion in continuity. I'm writing this late and I'm very tired so this part will be short. Thank you to everyone who still reads this book and patiently awaits the next chapter that takes forever to come out.
35K reads holy shit.
Love every single one of you.
Please enjoy

I wake up the next morning with my alarm blaring from my phone. I shot up terrified by the noise and turned it off as fast as possible. Because of the sudden awakening, I was dazed and had to take a few seconds to realize what was happening. I kick my legs off my bed and put on the first shirt I find and begin walking downstairs. I walk into the kitchen trying to find something to eat. After a good 12 seconds of not finding anything interesting I decided to go out and get some breakfast. Walking back upstairs I go straight into the bathroom and begin to shower. After I finish showering and getting dressed I go outside and call my mechanic to bring me a car. (This can be any car just no weaponized vehicle) I go to the closest fast-food place called (favorite fast-food place). I go through the drive-through and order (your usual order). I pay for my meal and begin to eat it in the parking lot and although it wasn't the best breakfast I've ever had it was different enough that it tasted amazing. After my meal, I threw out the trash inside the restaurant and started to drive around looking for my target.

(Y/N) Mind: I should probably check the school he goes to first. That's the most prominent place he'll be.

I begin to drive toward the school where I will hopefully find him. I arrived during what I imagine was lunchtime as kids were walking around all over the place holding trays of food and just hanging around. I entered campus and immediately got some weird stares and some kids even thought I was some intruder. I ignored all of them and was laser-focused on finding my target. After a good 6 minutes of searching, I gave up and began asking students if they had seen Issei. Everyone I asked either didn't answer, didn't know where he was, or just didn't want to tell me but either way, I was going find him. The bell soon rang signaling that lunch was over and that the students had to go back to class. I tried to look for him in the busy hallways but that also proved useless. I was walking around and accidentally bumped into a small girl with short white hair.

(Y/N): Excuse me have you seen a boy named Issei around?

???: No I haven't. Even if I did why are you looking for him? 

(Y/N): Hey that's not really any of your concern, I just wanted to know if you've seen him.

???: well it actually is my concern considering you're a weird dude on our school campus asking around for a certain student that no one seems to like very much. Also, the clothes you're wearing don't help out with first impressions.

(Y/N): A simple yes or no wo-

The bell rings again signaling that the next period just started. I spent the rest of the time arguing with this little girl -_-.

(Y/N): Damnit, thanks for nothing.

I begin to walk away but I feel her eyes burning into the back of my skull. After a little more walking I decide that the best thing to do is wait till school ends and catch him walking home. Being satisfied with my absolute genius I walk back to the front gate and just leave. It was open for some reason but I ain't complaining.

Time skip

Once school ended I began to watch every student leave campus but still had no sight of him. He was very elusive I can say that for sure. No wonder he survived his first assassination attempt. I went back on campus to see if he was in any classroom staying after school doing homework or just hanging out. As I was walking throughout the school I saw the same girl I bumped into earlier staring at me. I knew she had something to do with that Issei kid by the way she was becoming more defensive. Maybe her boyfriend? Whatever her relationship was with him didn't matter as he was gonna die soon anyway. I tried to walk past her but she got in my way.

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