#17 - Getting serious

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Not exactly when I said I was going to try and update the book but hey at least it's not another few months of waiting. I need to play rainbow 6 siege more, my aim is good but my recoil control from a distance could use some work. Anyway, I think I eventually want to do a Q&A on the book or whatever people want to know about. Is that something y'all would be interested in?
Anyway I won't hold you any longer.
Love you all.

Y/N: Was that a date?

I put my face into the palm of my hands and sit there. Not knowing what to think of the day that had just occurred. I doubt it was a date considering me and her fought many times already but the way she was acting. I have no clue.

Y/N: I need to focus on killing issei, not girls.

I get up and walk into my planning room and start making more adjustments to my plan.

Koneko POV

I open the door to issei's house and just walk in. I try to act as normal as possible and I do a pretty good job fooling everyone, except for Rias of course.

Rias: Koneko, are you ok?

Koneko: Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?

I said in my normal stoic voice, trying my best not to sound nervous.

Rias: No reason. Anyway what took you so long? You were supposed to be back hours ago.

Koneko: Oh right. I got... distracted

Akeno: Ohhhh~. Do you have a boyfriend~?

Koneko: W-WHAT?! NO

Akeno: I think she does~

Koneko: N-No it's N-Nothing like that. I merely went to the mall for a bit.

Rias: Next time let me know ahead of time, I was very worried you came face to face with the assassin.

My face immediately became very hot and my face was surely red.

Rias: You ok? You just got red all of a sudden.

Koneko: Yes, I'm ok. Just... thinking about him made me angry is all.

It was quite the opposite actually. While we were hanging out I was very happy. He made me feel different. Not in a bad way just... something I haven't felt before. (Y/N) you're an interesting character. Don't worry, I'll keep your name a secret from them as well.

Rias: If you say so.

She says shrugging and turning away from me. Thankfully she believed me, otherwise this would've been bad. I don't like lying especially to Rias.

Koneko: Hey Rias. Do you think it would be possible to recruit the assassin? Possibly as another knight.

Rias: That would be nice but I doubt he'd listen to me. Maybe if he got what he wanted he'd think about it. *Thinking* Actually what if we offer him something better in exchange for his services?

Akeno: Like what? We don't even know what he is being paid in the first place.

Rias: That is true. Koneko I need you to do more spying on him and try to figure out what he is receiving for this job.

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