#6 - The cereal box

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2 weeks to make this chapter, dang that's a long time. Anyway, this takes place a few days after meeting Angelina. You're just driving around waiting for your bunker you bought during the time skip to refill with supplies you bought.

The cereal box thing is just someone with a bar code nickname and when you scan the code it shows a cereal. Anyway on with the story~ N4rwale

It was a peaceful day in Los Santos today, I was driving around in my new night shark which is surprisingly fast for not being fully upgraded. As I was doing so I got a call from Angela-

Angelina- hey Y/N what are you doing?

Y/N- oh nothing just driving around might go gamble a little bit. You?

Angelina - oh I'm just in my house laying on my bed watching a movie. Wanna come over~?

Y/N- sorry can't right now I think some dude is chasing me. I'll text or call you later ok?

Angelina - uhh yeah sure ok.

I checked my rearview mirrors and I indeed was but it looked like he was friendly so I slowed down to see he wasn't chasing me but running from someone. He passed me at like 100 mph (idk how many kilometers that is so idk just google it or SM). Another car that looks like something straight out of Mad Max comes over the little hill in the road and begins shooting into the air. Fearing for my life I begin to floor it away from him. While I slowly gain speed he begins to catch up and his massive scoop slowly gets closer and closer. I finally got some distance but he wasn't ready to give up just yet. He suddenly gets a massive boost in speed and rams the back of my night shark. The back gets sent into the air but because it's all-wheel drive it doesn't slow down. The rear lands with a hard thud and a light snapping sound. Thinking it was one of my axles or my differential or worst-case scenario my drive shaft I started to slow down. As the vehicle slows down it makes a horrendous screeching sound and my car loses all power and speed and begins to slow down tremendously. The person begins to ruthlessly bash my car with his scoop and flips it countless times. I bang my head hard on my steering wheel and my glass window. When my head hits the window I feel a liquid running from my forehead and the left side of my head. Already knowing it's blood I kick open the door to get out to be met with a hail of bullets hitting my car.

Deciding against that route I open the passenger side door and get some cover. I peek only for a second to see him holding a minigun. In a split second, my head gets riddled with bullets and my brain gets turned into soup. How do I know? Well, every time I die I see myself in like a third-person view before coming back to life. I get a little prompt on my phone saying I got killed by -llIlIIllI- realizing my worst nightmare is slowly unfolding in front of me I only had 1 choice. RUN. I steal a random vehicle and begin to drive away. He gets on his flying motorcycle and chases me down. He shoots a missile when he gets in range and kills me again. Realizing that I HAVE to fight I pulled out a sniper and tried to look for him but it was no use I was killed almost instantly. This kept going on for a while until I got a lucky kill on him. I feel like that pissed him off because he started using rockets to kill me. Him and I traded a few times or I would get a kill or 2 then he would catch back up just as fast. I had killed him 11 times and he killed me 23 times. I wanted to kill him more but someone around the same level as him came to my aid.

???- hey you're doing pretty good for being such a low level.

Y/N- uh thanks? Are you here to help me?

???-yeah don't worry I'll make him leave you alone.

Y/N- thanks.

He begins to approach the barcode kid but suddenly pulls out a shotgun and blows his brains out. The barcode kid doesn't seem too keen about that happening because he starts to walk in circles and then aims his sniper rifle. My new friend realizing what he just did becomes a CEO and starts to walk in circles after 2 seconds he aims his sniper and begins to fire while walking side to side. After 5 shots the barcode kid dies and he reloaded and did the same thing 4 more times.

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