#10 - Getting situated pt.1

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It's been too long huh? The last update was on Sep 7th, 2021?! Damn, idk school is almost done for the year and we're finally doing finals. I took a math one today and I was tired the entire day. So to calm down and de-stress I'm going to continue writing. I love every single one of you who kept this story in your reading list or library and waiting. I only have like 1 month and a half before summer break and I can focus on this book for a cool while. Again I love every single one of you. Especially the people who like to interact with my book I love logging in and seeing 1 notification makes my day. Anyway enough of me.

I was walking for what felt like 15 minutes already and my back started to feel better as I ate a few P and Qs to help recover some of my health. I throw the empty box of candy on the floor and I take out my phone to see what time it is.

Phone: //:// pm

Y/N: hmm that's weird my phone is broken. You know I would think being blown up or shot would break it but nope being sent somewhere else does the trick.

I put my phone away as I look around to get a sense of direction and notice I'm in a plaza of sorts with many people walking around just enjoying their day. I notice a lady looking at her phone leaning against a wall and I decide to go and ask her a few questions.

Y/N: excuse me ma'am do you happen to know the time?

Lady: わからなくてごめんなさい?  (I'm sorry what I didn't understand?)
(I am sorry if this is wrong I just used Google Translate)

Y/N: What did you say?

Hmm is this some alien planet with human-looking creatures? No, it can't be the first to people I met were speaking English.

Y/N: Hey ma'am I'm not sure if this will work but I think if I die I will learn your language or something idk.


I then pull out my pistol and the moment I take it out the woman starts to scream and everyone looks in my direction. I quickly put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger. I see as the woman begins to run away as everyone else follows her and a few men begin to run towards me.

(Time skip 20 mins)

As I opened my eyes I expected myself to be standing outside somewhere relatively close to where I died but to my surprise, I was in a hospital bed. I look around my room to find the normal stuff that you would find like a heart rate monitor, a curtain, a chair, and a big window looking outside. I looked out the window while lying down and I assumed I was on the 5th floor. While looking outside I failed to notice the nurse notifying the doctor that I was awake. As I look back I'm surprised to see 4 or 5 doctors just standing around me. I do notice that one of them had their eyes open wide as if they recognized me. Weird.

Doctor 1: Good morning mister how are you feeling?

Y/N: I'm feeling great thanks. You?

Wait I understood what he said! I think my idea worked!! Awesome.

Doctor 1: I'm doing good as well thank you. Do you know why you're here mr.....

Gta 5 online male reader x High school DxD Where stories live. Discover now