Chapter 20

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I got my lazy ass out of bed after turning off the stupid alarm. After I finished eating and getting ready, I walked out and met up with Deku and Bakugou, who were waiting for me by the front gate. We talked the whole way there which made the walk seem shorter.

As we neared the entrance, we noticed the many reporters that were blocking our passage.They were trying to get answers regarding All Might working as a teacher in UA.

While my eyes wandered around the surrounding broadcasting vans, a glimpse of blue hair caught my eye. There, at the other side of the street, was the one and only, Tomura Shigaraki.

I visibly tensed for about a second before forcing myself to act normal in order to not alarm my friends. Just then it hit me.
There's something I've always wanted to do, and now I can actually do it.

Things are about to get a bit interesting.

"Hey, Bakugou, Midoriya. Go ahead of me, seems like I forgot something at the house and I need to go get it. I'll catch you later."

"What is it that you forgot, dumbass?"

"If it's school supplies, I can lend you something! I always have extras."

Shit, they're persistent.

"Um guys, let's just say it's not something guys would need, if you both catch my drift."

Both boys looked really confused at first, but by the look of embarrassment that morphed on their faces, they seemed to have gotten the idea. They both awkwardly nodded their heads and walked past the reporters, entering the school.

Now then, time to initiate the plan.

As quietly and stealthily as I could, I ran behind each van, trying my best to be unnoticeable by anyone, until I reached the vehicle closest to the villain. I never really noticed how crusty this dude was until now, but lemme just say he exceeded my expectations. He for sure needs to be coated in lotion or something for at least 24 hours to fix that dry ass skin of his.

After making sure I was hidden pretty well, I crouched down and dug through the compartments of my backpack, hoping to find what I needed to continue to the next part of the plan. I took out my brand new bottle of lotion, and chapstick that I acquired. Aizawa had made sure I was stocked with many skin type essentials, so props to him. I peeled of a sticky note from the pack and took out a pen. On it, I wrote...

'To Shigaraki,
Here sis, it looks like you need this way more than I do.
Take care of yourself and that poor skin of yours saweetie.

I smirked at the note and stuck it onto the lotion bottle. Good thing the smell wasn't a strong and overbearing one. Instead, it was a neutral, somewhat comforting one. I threw the pen back into my bag and brought out a mini tape I had. Let's just say I brought my whole desk supplies with me.

You can never be too prepared ya know...

After taping the chapstick to the lotion, I stuck my head out just to peek at where Shigaraki was. I grabbed the stuff and got ready.

This is fucking crazy
Please don't let him see you or you're a dead bitch

I brought the arm that was holding the stuff back and threw that shit. For once in my sad life, I was able to aim that throw perfectly. Bad thing was, it hit him right in the head, making his body take a step to steady himself from the impact.

He looked around the ground to see what hit him since it bounced off his head. Once he made eye contact with the stuff, he walked to it and picked it up, lifting one finger up just to make sure he wouldn't disintegrate it. After what felt like minutes, he finished looking at the post-it and looked up.

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