Chapter 26

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"Crusty-ass started laughing, amused by my flattering response I assume, and charged towards us, more specifically, me..."

As I stood there, wondering what the hell my next move was going to be, he got a little too close for comfort. I rolled my whole body to the side, avoiding his hands that were too close for comfort. I immediately got myself up, trying to stay as calm and collected as I could. I heard a chuckle coming from behind me. My body froze, nerves wracking up, not daring myself to turn around.

" Game overrrrrr, Y/N"

As his hand came around and into my line of sight, it was removed as soon as it was seen. I will myself to move and whip around, now facing the backs of my friends who were with me. I noticed Shigaraki laying on the floor, smoke steaming off from his body, and foot frozen to the floor by ice.

"Y/N are you okay?!"

I nod a yes towards Deku, who was standing next to me, a look of worry on his face. Up ahead you could see Bakugou cussing out Shigaraki then rushing towards me. He seemed to be pissed.

I saw that Deku ran towards Todoroki and Kirishima, who seemed to be  keeping Shigaraki busy. I guess they were helping out Bakugou by giving him time to tell me what he wanted to say. Once he reached me, he said,

"The fuck was that, dumbass. Were you just going to let yourself get taken or some shit?"

I clenched my knuckles and faced the ground, pissed off by the fact that I was really about to let myself get taken away.

Why the fuck did I freeze up at the moment?

Was it due to my own stupidity not noticing him coming up from behind? No, that's not it.
It was fear.

I've been so caught up on the happiness of living this "new life" that was gifted to me that I disregarded the true colors of this world.

This place isn't normal, it's a world of quirks, where anything could happen that is out of the norm. But most importantly:
I could seriously die at any given moment. This isn't some dream or fantasy, but the real fucking thing.

From this point on, I need to treat my life with more caution, and on top of that, I need to not be a burden on anyone. I will not be some useless person that just sits around and waits to be saved by someone else and not by my own efforts.

No more hiding and no more naivety
I need to get stronger

Bringing myself back to reality, I shake my head and slap my cheeks. Finding a new spark of determination I confidently brought my head up to face Bakugou, who looked at me as if I was crazy. I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder.

"You're right Blondie, I should've been more aware of my surroundings, I'll give everything I got into this fight so I can stand tall knowing I wasn't holding any of you guys back. Thanks for worrying about me."

He smirked and ruffled my hair "You're damn right, dumbass. You better not fall behind or I'll kick your fucken ass, you got that?"

"Heard ya loud and clear boom boy. Now then, let's go kick some ass."

We both rushed to the other guys finally joining the fight. We were hitting and avoiding Shigaraki on all sides. I saw that Midoriya would take quick glances towards All Might, a look of concern for the hero. I completely agree with his concern, since I also know the issue involving his quirk usage.
Finding an opening, I quickly rush to Midoriya and get his attention.

"You can go Izuku, don't worry about us and go help out All Might. If anything happens, call for us and we'll rush in to help you if we can ok?"

His face that was shocked by my statement formed into a grateful, determined smile. He nodded his head and rushed to go help out our teacher. I focused back on Shigaraki, who surprisingly was holding his ground even though it was four against one.

Suddenly, purple mist had once again started to appear. We dodged at every "arm" Kurogiri was using to try and get a hold of us. Bakugou and Kirishima split and fought with mist dude while me and Todoroki kept attacking Shigaraki.

Out of nowhere, a huge booming sound reverberated throughout the whole stadium, causing the ground to even shake. Everyone was at a stand-still, wondering what happened. As soon as the fog cleared up, we saw that the Nomu had been thrown to the ground, breaking it into pieces and flying in the air. It bounced off it as if it were a basketball, looking limp as it wasn't regenerating.

All Might, creating a fist and swinging it towards the Nomu, yelled out


With that, he collided his fist with Nomu, causing it to be launched into the air, breaking through the stadium covers, and into the bright blue sky. The cheers from the students at the entrance could be heard from where I was, letting relief wash over me. Watching what had happened first-hand, was an event I'll never forget.

A portal that formed in back of Shigaraki had broken my admirational gaze, bringing me back into the reality of the situation. Shigaraki was still here. Kurogiri and Shigaraki travelled back to where they had appeared in the beginning of it all, the fountain.

Shigraki looked pissed. And by pissed, I mean he's gonna kill someone with that look pissed.

"How in the hell has he supposedly gotten weaker? We've been completely overwhelmed! I can't believe he did that to my Nomu. He used fucken cheats or some shit, he had to have."

I unconsciously chuckled, which brought his attention to me, angered and yet, somewhat amused.

"And what's so funny that you've gone laughing like a madman?"

I shrugged, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. "Well, I don't know if you've realised this or not, but this isn't some game you play when you're home alone. Why the hell would he use cheats huh? The matter of the fact is that you, Shigaraki, have lost this fight. He wasn't the weak one, you were."

That must have rubbed salt to the wound, because he started to scratch his neck furiously while muttering a bunch of words I couldn't hear from where I was standing.

Now where's the damn lotion I got for you when you need it buddy.

"Calm yourself Shigaraki, if you and I work together, we can defeat him. Don't you see, he has gotten weaker, he hasn't moved. What if it's all a bluff."

After those words Kurogiri said, Shigaraki stopped scratching his neck, seemingly calm now.

"You're right, let's kill him"....

To Be Continued...


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