Chapter 13

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"So, who was the person you bumped into today?"

My body stiffened, hopefully not to the point of Aizawa noticing.

I honestly didn't think he'd remember earlier, he always seems uninterested with everyhting he does in his life. Maybe unless its him buying a new sleeping bag, now that would be something I would look forward to seein-

Ok Y/N, now is not the time for daydreaming.

"Oh, it was just some random person that I bumped into on accident. Obviously I wouldn't know who they were since its barely been like a day since I've landed here ya know? Ah ha ha-"

"I know there's something you're not telling me about you appearing here. The excuse about the chairs and you knowing my name from the papers at the meeting doesn't add up. Care to explain why you're withholding some pieces of information?"

My body went rigid. Literally unmoving.

Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuckkkkkkkk.

How the fuck is this careless looking ass man so fucking observant what the actual fuck.

You amaze me every time Aizawa. Every time.

"Welp, no use in trying to hide shit from you huh buddy. All I say is that you hear me out when I tell you, but please believe me when I tell you this ok? I'm not a villain or some sus person, no bullshit I promise. Now then, want me to share?"

"Go right ahead, I'm waiting."

Blah blah blah. I do be repeating myself too much today.

And so now another person knows the truth, well basically whatever I told the others.

"I know this all sounds fucking weird and obviously super unbelievable, but I'm literally liing prove I ain't saying all this shit for shits and giggles."

"Yeah. I believe you."

My eyes widen at his statement because truth be told, I had doubts of him even thinking on believing me.

"Really? You do?"

"Why wouldn't I? So now the people who know everything is Midoriya, Bakugou, and now me?"

"Yup. I'll probably tell others in the future because the more I think about it, its not such a big difference as to what I've said to the staff. Well obviously my classmates don't know since I'm supposedly a transfer to them I guess."

He nodded and said,

"Now that that's out of the way since you told me everything, lemme just show you around the house right now. I don't want you to bug me later and you should head to bed soon since you got school tomorrow."

"Ah ok, thanks again Aizawa for taking me in. Means a lot to knowing someone's taking better care of me here than my own real fucking family back where "home" is."

"Anytime kid, you're here now, not wherever you used to be."

Aizawa, you're the father I never had.
And for that, I'm truly fucking grateful.

He showed me around the house, finally finishing up with my room. It had everything I needed which startled me because there were even clothes that took up a section of the closet.

"Get yourself situated then go to sleep. I'll be in my room doing paperwork so call me if its something important. Night."

"Night, thanks again."

He nodded and trudged off. After he turned down the hall, I closed the door to my new room and changed into an undershirt and sweats, giving me the balance of hot and cold. I took a seat at my desk that basically had a bunch of supplies. I grabbed a notebook that was there and scavenged out a pen from one of the drawers it had. I began to write down the most super important fact I finally was able to piece together which could change everything.

The timeline's changing.

Wowwwww y/n, you solved all that after looking at clues? That must've been hard.

Yea right, no fucken shit Sherlock. It was so obvious. What did I expect was gonna happen now that someone who never existed suddenly appeared. And better yet, they made it into the story. It would've been fine if I was nothing more than a mere side character or extra (heh I sound like a certain blonde).
The boys weren't supposed to have met bacon bits until when was it again? What field trip did they take again? This could even possible lead up to an early meet with the League Of Villains.

Fuck, that's another thing too.

The future's getting distorted. Every-time I do anything, I've been feeling as though I lose bits and pieces of the actual storyline.

How did that not cross my mind when I came here. I don't even recall when some certain events are supposed to take place. And now that it is happening, I can't really remember the future anymore which in a way, gives me a sense of security. I can recall some parts but not a lot so technically I won't really have to worry about people coming for me. And by people I mean villains. If I were to know literally everything and they somehow found out, they would wanna get info out of me.

Which brings me to my final thought after all this.

Will I ever go back home?

Probably not the way thing are looking to be honest.

Is this what fate is, when the unexpected happens.

If so, then bring it on.

I'll become another character in this story no one will see coming. I'll accept this world as a second chance at life. I think that's what happened to me when I discover that book in my dreams. That's still kind of odd on how that made me transport here but oh well, a mere coincidence and I just got lucky. I will not take this second life for granted and I will be truly me, without any worry of people judging me.

I grab the notebook and take it with me to bed, putting it under the mattress. As I close my eyes and let sleep come over me in waves, my last thoughts are this to introduce myself into this life. A new goal, a new start. A step forward to a new life.

To Be Continued...

- I have been revived from the depths of the afterlife by my dear friend. I suddenly had a bunch of shit to do and I got lowkey scared to write this. Felt like this story is shit, but then again I always think that. Anyways, this author's note got long so until next time I guess. Adios.
Stupid bitch ass author, out.-

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