Chapter 33

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Time went by until it was finally the last day before the Sports Festival. After going through hell and back doing Aizawa's devilish routine, I finally finished the last practice.

"I think you're ready."

I finished my last lift of the weights and placed them down, now turning to face my teacher.

"You've done all that you can throughout this period of time we had. I think you got all the basics down, which I'm pretty surprised about to be honest. With the little amount of time you had, you managed to understand and perform everything I've taught you. You got lucky that you're such a quick learner."

I grab the towel from the empty chair and wipe the sweat off my face. Placing it around my neck, I reach down to grab the water bottle and take a sip out of it. After putting it back down, I turn my head back to Aizawa.

"I feel much better now going into the Sports Festival. All this gruesome torture I've had to experience really made me see how fucken weak I was. Now I can really get excited for whatever the school has in store for us tomorrow. It's all thanks to you that I'm even able to understand and use my quirk well"

"Mhm. What a bother that was. The amount of times you almost blew up school property was absolutely embarrassing."

I rose my hands up in defense, "Hey!, I told you beforehand so you can't be complaining about it. Remember, I didn't come into this world already having a quirk."

"Yeah, I could tell, but even so, you've done really well."

"Thanks. I'll make sure to do my absolute best!"

"You better, or this all would have been for nothing and I would have just wasted all my time."

"Geee, thanks for the confidence boost."


We continue conversing as we head home. I threw all my belongings in my room and went straight for the shower. Quickly putting on some comfortable clothes, I went downstairs to cook Aizawa and I some food. After we finished eating, we each went into our own separate worlds.

Finishing up my homework, I threw myself to my bed, almost missing it in the process. Whipping out my phone, I texted everyone good luck and shoved it into my pillow. Looking out my window, I caught a glimpse of the moon.

Tomorrow's the big day

Whatever outcome it comes with, just be happy that you know you did your best.

Tomorrow marks the first day of really proving yourself, so don't fuck this up...

Before I knew it, I fell asleep....

Next Day:

The door slams open, showing Iida.

"Is everyone ready? We will be entering soon!"

I turn toward Mina, "Jeez, he really knows how to make someone nervous."

Letting out a laugh, she says "Tell me about it. I hope the first round isn't so bad. To make matters worse, it sucks that we can't even wear our hero costumes."

Ojiro, who was standing next to us stretching his arms, says "Well it's to make everything fair, you know?"

"Ugh, I guess you're right..."


At the sound of Todoroki's voice, me and everyone else turned their heads to where he now stood in front of the green haired boy.

"Hello Todoroki, what is it?"

Eyeing him down, he says, "Looking over everything, I can see that I am stronger than you."

Taken aback by what the candy cane said, Deku just responds with a faltering yeah.

"Even so... It seems that All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he?"

Just from looking at his back, I can tell that Izuku had stiffened up.

Todoroki continues to talk,

"I'm not going to ask or dig into it, but I will say this...
I'm going to beat you.."

Murmurs could be heard around the room, while Denki loudly states how the top student in the class is stating a declaration of war.

Kirishima stands up from his chair and puts his arm on Todoroki, saying that we shouldn't be picking fights all of a sudden since the Festival is about to start.

Shaking off Kirishima's hand, candy cane says, "We aren't here to be friends, so it doesn't matter." as he walks away.

Midoriya finally lifts his head up and calls out to Todoroki.

"I know that you're stronger than me, and I also think that you're more capable than most people. Everyone, the students from the other courses are all reaching for top with all that they have. I'll be going for the top as well with everything I've got."

And with that now in everyone's minds, the Festival begins.

To Be Continued...

- I finally wroteeee 😎😎😎😎
Thats it
Thats the author's note-

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