HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY (coughcough sidestory)

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FIRST OF ALL: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO BONEBREAKER AND TINTIN. In this "side story", they are at the dorms already. Oh yeah, this is a birthday special for Midoriya! Sorry to anyone hoping that there would be a Mirio one, I CANNOT SADLY, because of how hard I think it would be. Don't get me wrong, I like TinTin, I just feel as though I wouldn't do him justice. I barely made it with Mr. Broccoli over here. I think this could've been way better but this is the best I could come up with after working on this for four days lmfao. I am deeply sorry for such a late chapter for his birthday but I mean, at least it's here now amiright?? lol I think that's all. Now then, let the chapter commence!

Night before the Birthday Party:

"Alright, is everyone here?"

"Well, Midoriya isn't here."

"No fucken shit, Sherlock. Also, who the fuck let you here, little grape shit."

"Easyyy Bakubro, we don't wanna wake up Midoriya. Also... he's right, who the hell told Mineta to come here."

Everyone immediately turned to look at Iida, who was standing in the center of the class. He pushed up his glasses and started robot swinging.

"Well as the class representative, it was my duty to notify the whole class, even if we have our disagreements and opinions on a certain individual.'' and with that he glared towards mineta's direction. Everyone groaned and murmured little threats towards the perv before situating themselves to pay attention to Uraraka and Iida, who continued to stand while the rest of us sat either on the couches or the floor.

Uraraka took a deep breath and began to speak, "As you all know, tomorrow is Deku's birthday, so as a class, I think we should make him a mini birthday party. That being sai-"

"You can count me the fuck out, I'm outta here."

We watched as Bakugou slowly rose off of the couch and turned on his heels to walk away. It was obvious that no one was gonna stop him so I did the one and only thing that can prohibit him from leaving. I scooted towards Sero, who thankfully was sitting next to me on the ground, and nudged his arm. He turned toward me and I pointed at his elbow, then moved my finger to point towards Bakugou. He tilted his head in confusion until realization struck him. He gave me a sly grin as he stood up from where we were sitting.

In one quick movement, the adhesive shot out of his arm and made contact with Bakugou's retreating form. Before the blonde could retaliate, Sero yanked his arm to which we then saw Bakugou's body come flying back to where we were. He was about to open his mouth to yell, but luckily Sero was quick enough to wrap his mouth and body with more tape, disabling any movement he could have made. So there we all were, trying not to laugh at Bakugou's muffled screams as he was placed on the ground.

"Nice going Spiderman, I knew you could pull it off." I said as me and Sero high fived each other, grinning victoriously.

"Awe thanks Y/N, but this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for your smart idea."
At that, we fist bumped each other and sat back down to continue our meeting. Long story short, everything went smoothly and we were able to decide what roles each of our classmates got:

Team food and dessert- Sato, Bakugou, Kirishima, Ojiro, Koda, MIneta

Team Music- Jirou, Kaminari

Team Decorations- Shoji, Sero, Mina, Hagakure, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Momo

Team Distraction- Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, Y/N

"Welp!" Uraraka says as she clasps her hands together, pleased with our plan. "If anyone has any questions, text the group chat we made so deku doesn't hear anything."

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