Chapter 47

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Round two, may the battle commence!

It was no surprise that the victor was the one and only hothead. Like c'mon now, I've only been here for what, around two months? I was definitely not gonna beat him when this has been his whole life. After I got my wounds patched up once again by the nurse, I went out to continue watching the rest of the remaining battles.

And lemme just say, Bakugou and Todoroki's fight was scary as shit. So much emotion going through that fight and then listening to words Blondie was shouting at Todoroki like jeez calm down he's going through shit.

"And now, we will begin the Award Ceremony!"

All the students came down to the center to stand before the top 3 winners of this year's competition. We watched as Tokoyami and Iida's, although he wasn't [resent due to circumstances regarding his brother, Todoroki, and Bakugou each received a medal, although it was quite a sight to see the explosive blonde receive his...

"Man Y/n, you were really close to being up there. I really believed you would be able to beat that hothead."

"Haha thanks Mina but I knew I was not gonna beat him, have you not seen how passionate that guy is when he fights. I'm surprised I didn't fucken die, even Recovery Girl scolded me again for my injuries."

"No but seriously Y/n, I really thought you fought with a death wish tbh, like damn girl you really gave your all."

We talked a little bit more before we were dismissed to our homerooms. It was announced that we would have two days off of school which made everyone shout with joy. After school, Aizawa dropped me off at home and headed off to the hospital to get his bandages removed, so I did my nightly routine and immediately knocked out.

Two days later:

As we sat and waited for Aizawa to come into our homeroom, everyone was discussing their experiences with strangers noticing them from the Sports Festival. Sero however had a pitiful story.

"I had some elementary kids come up to me and tell me 'don't worry about it, maybe next time'... CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?!"

"Well don't worry about it."


And with that, our teacher comes in.


"You got your bandages removed?"

"Glad to see that my class still has eyes... more importantly, we are having a special hero informatics class today."


After glaring at us into silence he carried on.

"Today you'll be coming up with your code names and deciding which agency to go to."


Again, we were glared into silence.

"It was as I had talked about a couple classes ago. It is when pro hero agencies reach out to second year students and take them as an intern to see their capabilities. In other words, the fact that offers were extended to you first year students shows that they are interested in your potential...

That being said, if you are not up to par with their standards, those interests will soon dwindle away throughout your remaining school years and that would not look good on you."

Hagakure speaks up, "So basically once we are with the agency we go to, we have to prove ourselves."

He nods his head and turns on the projector that I never knew even existed. From there we saw the list composed of the students in our class that received offers.

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