Chapter 24

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The red head ducks, barely missing the person's fists. He spins around and punches him square in the jaw, knocking them out cold. Two tried to gang up and corner Bakugou, but that was the worst mistake they could've made. He aims and fires out a blast, screaming 'DIE', which crushes them into the wall.

Across the room, I was fighting one on one, dodging and landing whatever punches I could manage.

My stupid ass never actually learned how to properly fight...
I better get some fucken plot armor for this.

I try to calm my mind and focus on not letting them get the jump on me. I surveyed my surroundings while trying to beat this dude, making sure no one was gonna come up from behind. Sure enough, someone was sneaking behind me, trying to stay out of my peripheral vision. I paid close attention to the guy I was fighting who was now seeming to stall his movements.

His eyes kept glancing down, as if he was signaling where they both should aim. They were going to try to disable my movements by going for my legs. With a slight nod, barely noticeable unless you were paying close attention, they got a bit closer.

Right on queue, my assumption was deemed correct as they both rushed to me. With all my might I jumped, boosting myself with my own set of blasts, and watched as they headbutted into each other. With the power of gravity forcing me to come back down, I aimed each foot to collide with their heads, smashing them into the floor.

I jumped off them, quickly turning around to make sure they weren't going to try attacking me again. To my luck, they were both knocked out, not moving an inch. I breathed out a sigh of relief and turned to my partners, who were watching me with surprise. I tilted my head, gesturing a 'what'. Kirishima was the first one to speak up.

"That was so badass Y/N! The way you dodged them and annihilated them! So manly!"

"Hahaha, thanks Kiri. To be honest with you two, I don't really have a clue on how to fight. What I did right now was just from watching shows that had fight scenes."

"Woah, that's amazing! Why don't we train together someday, that would be awesome."

"Sure, let's do that! I want to improve myself so I don't hold anyone back."

Blondie decides to speak finally. "Tch, as if you'll ever get to my level. I wanna see you try."

I roll my eyes at him. "Oh just you wait, Bakugou. You'll eat those words of yours once I beat your ass in a one on one combat."

His eyes shine, a smirk now forming on his face. He walks towards me and stares me down.

"I'd like to. See. You. Try."

"Bring it on, pretty boy."

That seemed to have caught Bakugou off guard, him now looking like a pissed stuttering mess. I start cackling, watching as his face grows boiling hot. Kirishima was laughing with me, us both a dying mess. We both had our arms on each other's shoulders, trying to balance so we wouldn't fall. He started saying things between the lines of 'FUCK YOU' and 'I AIN'T NO PRETTY BOY', which might I add, was very amusing to watch unfold.

After wiping the mini tears that formed in my eyes from laughing too much, I noticed something at the corner of my eye. A glint of light was brought to my attention, slowly moving up the wall and on the ceiling. Squinting my eyes, I was able to decipher that it was a floating knife, which was aiming toward Bakugou.


He stops his screaming and whips his body around right as the knife comes towards him. He moves to the side, grabbing the person's head and blasting it, knocking him unconscious.

"Great reflex skills Bakubro!"

"Tch. Don't call me that, shitty hair."

He looked at me and grunted, saying a small 'thanks'. I nodded and gThe wheels in his head seemed to be turning, making him look lost in thought.

"I'm gonna kill that warp gate. The bastard is the enemy's way in and out."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Cutting off their escape route, smart."

"Of course it's smart, I came up with the idea."

"Well count me in, I'll try my best to help you out without getting in your way."

Kirishima hardened his arms and smashed his fists together. "That's really manly, Bakugou and Y/N. Count me in too!"

We all nodded at each other and headed out the building, looking around our surroundings to see where we were exactly in the facility. Luckily, we were right next to the exit, so we started to run toward the middle while still trying to be cautious. We came across a couple villains, but they were no match for us.

Suddenly a huge gust of wind occurred, forcing us back a bit. When all the dust from the debris blew away, the sight before us three were something that was traumatizing. We all tensed up as we saw Aizawa, snapped in multiple places, laying immmobile on the ground. Further in front of him, in the water, was a huge bird-like thing, blocking Shigaraki from Deku's punch. My eyes focused on Shigaraki, watching his movements and soon enough realizing, he was aiming his hands toward Mineta and Tsuyu.

He's gonna dust them! Fuck!
What should I do?
Think Think Think!

I ran past Kirishima and Bakugou, ignoring their yells telling me to come back. My body was moving on its own, not caring about how much at risk I am being out in the open. I could care less about me being at risk, I could only think about trying to save my new friends.

Who cares about being scared and not wanting to go up against beings stronger than me!
As long as my body can move, I will fight! If there's anything I've learned in the days I have been here, it's that!
Because that's what it means to be a true hero and a loyal friend!

I keep running, refusing to let myself lose momentum. I reach the other side and do the first thing I could think of to protect my friends.

"SHIGARAKIIIIII!" I yell as I collide my fist with his face...


To Be Continued...


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