Chapter 12

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"Uh, guys? Are you sure you both know the way? Honestly, by the looks of it, this is the fifth time we passed by this bus stop.."


"K-Kacchan let's calm down for a second, we've been going around in circle-"


"Ugh stop you guys! Just gimme the damn paper."

I snatched the address from Bakugou's hand and realized that he had the fucken shit upside down.


For someone who seems to be fucken smart, this dude really got us going round and round like the damn merry-go-round.

Heh. Good one y/n.

"You had the damn paper upside Blondie. I thought all your screaming just affected your ears, not your damn eyes Helen Keller."


"See, exactly what I meant, blind and also deaf now since I gotta repeat myself! HAHAHAHAH"

I started cackling at my own words while Deku was trying to hold in his laugh. Bakugou looked like he was about to commit a double homicide.

I'm starting to think he's regretting wanting to become a hero at this moment...

"Ok ok I'll stop laughing at you. Let's just take the ways we haven't been taking for the past ten minutes since we kept coming back here."

We make the turn opposite to the one we've been taking this whole time and we finally seemed to making progress. I noticed farther down that there was someone standing against their doorstep, appearing to be in all yellow.

Looks like someone's already dressing up as Barry B Benson for Halloween so early in the year-

Oh shit, it's Aizawa. I should've known since he literally lives in that damn thing.

The boys, seemingly not noticing where we were headed, asked

"So y/n, where does this address lead to anyway? Didn't you just get here so how did you find a house so easily?"

"Yeah, what shitty Deku said, who's fucken house is it?"

"Ah well about that, this person is actually someone you both know."

"Huh? Who y/n?"

"Who the fuck is it-"

"Took you long enough y/n. What made you take so long to the point I was actually considering on searching for you?"

The sluggish looking teacher stared sternly at me then glazed his eyes over my company. He somewhat glared at them for like a second before meeting my eyes again. I glanced at their faces that seemed to have gone pale with shock.

"Care to explain what took you so long?"

"Ah well you see Alizawa, remember when I told you I had something to do? Well I had to talk to Katsuki and Izuku about some school stuff. Then we bumped into someone along the wa-"

"You mean you bumped into someone dumbass. We had to go get your ass since you ditched us."

"Yeah, what Blondie said. Then he, being the smart person that he is, led us around in a circle and not letting us take a hold of the paper, which was upside down I may add, which led to us spending even more time ending up at the same spot."


"Stop yelling, barely the end of the first day of meeting you and I already feel like I'm going deaf. So yeah we got lost a bit here and if you're wondering why they're here too, its becuase I didn't know where to go and I thought they would've been able to help me out. Guess I was wrong about that but hey, I had fun talking with them so I didn't mind getting lost with these fools."

"I see. Well now that you're here, Bakugou and Midoriya, you both may leave."

"Ah w-wait y/n, you never told us why you had to come to Mr. Aizawa's house."

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Well he's helping me out since you know, I'm not from this world and all. He's actually my guardian now."


"Yes, and assuming that you two know about y/n's situation by what she just said, it is expected of you that this information doesn't go spreading around school."

"O-of course Mr. Aizawa!"

"Very well then. Thank you for escorting y/n home, you can both head home now. Y/n, I'll be inside for when you come in so I can show you where you'll be sleeping."

"K, I'll be inside in a sec. Ima see Bakugou and Midoriya out."

When Aizawa nodded and headed inside, I turned my head to face Bakugou and Deku, who seemed to be a bit shocked.

"Um, you guys? What's wrong with your faces? Did I say something stupid again?"

"W-well y/n, it was just kind of a shocker the fact that Aizawa is your guardian now."

"Ohhh, is that why both of your faces were kinda pale earlier too? My bad, I literally got told that in the meeting and he volunteered to actually be my guardian so that was a bit of a shocker to me as well."

"O-oh, I see."

"Hahaha well it was fun having this adventure of getting lost with you guys. You both really made my day after all the shit went down."

"Yea, you better be grateful to even receive my help, stupid."

"Uhuh, definitely loved you making us go in circles for ten minutes straight."

"Shut up."

"I-it was fun taking you home y/n. If you ever want to, I can walk home with you since I realized this place isn't too far from where I live."

"Omg that'd be cool. We can do stuff after school whenever we have time as well!"

"Y-yeah! That would be awesome."

"What about you Blondie? Care to join us on more adventures? You know you want to~."

"Tch yeah right. As if I would want to hang out with you losers."

"Says the one that helped take me home even though you could've just left me be. Your words don't match your actions buddy, so just join us from here and there ok? I wanna spend time with my friends obviously. Speaking of which, I would wanna text you guys and stuff, so give me your numbers."

They both nodded their heads and fished out their phones, sending me their numbers.

"Alright! Got them. Now to make your contacts.... Ok, I made them...
Helen Keller and broccoli head, they suit you two perfectly."

"Oh my gosh y/n whyyyy?"

"The fuck! Change my fucken name you asshole."

"Nah, whenever I think of new nicknames then I'll change them. Alright you guys it was good hanging out. Byebye!"
They both said their goodbyes to me as well, Bakugou's coming out in a grunt while Deku's coming out enthusiastically. They split ways and I saw them disappear from my view. I decided it was time for me to head inside so I turned on my heels and went in.

Once making it inside, I headed to where I saw the caterpillar sitting on the couch which seemed to be in the living room I assume. I took a sit on the chair facing him and he finally seemed to notice I was there, since he seemed to have open his eyes from his eternal slumber.

"So, who was the person you bumped into today?"

To Be Continued...

-I had this rolled taco ice cream thingy and it was pretty damn good.-

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