Chapter 9

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Finally after what feels like ages, we're at the last activity for this shitty hell assessment test.

Someone kill me now, I really need to get into shape.

Throughout all the other tests I was average, as in fucken useless since I don't know how to use my quirk to help me out in these situations, especially since I just got it today. I did what an average normal person would do, which made me feel quite useless compared to all these talented students.

Except Mineta, he can choke on air for all I care. Don't think I didn't see you watching all the girls very closely during the activities you fucken perv. Times like these make me wish to become a criminal.

Anyways... back to the event at hand.

I watch as Bakugou goes up first stretching out his arms, getting ready to throw the ball. Finally done, he throws it with so much force it looked like that poor ball was gonna explode out of existence. What made me laugh, however, was the fact that he said that one word.


I can't hold it in, I can't help it.

I let out a quick giggle. C'mon I had to. It's just so amusing watching someone yelling at the inanimate object to just die. Deku was standing next to me, a look of awe as the ball was thrown with such force and speed. His attention did go to me due to my unnecessary mini fit of laughter. I guess only he heard it because everyone was still watching Bakugou, amazed with his throw.

That was until I felt a piercing glare towards my direction.

I looked up, already back to normal, and saw as Bakugou was stalking towards me with a pissed off look.

Whoops, guess he saw me.

"What's so funny, huh? That I saw you looking like you couldn't breathe from all that laughing?"

I smirked at him and shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

"Well its amusing to watch someone yell die at the top of their lungs for no reason, ya know? Well I better get going, as I'm next."

I walked around the fuming blonde and went to position. I stared at Aizawa, giving him a look which was asking,

Should I use my quirk?

He nodded casually and said,

"It's fine if you can't really control it, but you need to at least try. Oh and try not to kill yourself in the process like earlier, I don't want anymore time wasted."

Damn, what's got him in such a mood...
Nevermind, he's always like that...

I let out a sigh and try to focus on looking for something within me, like when I was in the rats office. I shut my eyes and looked around, for an energy or something. I finally found what I was looking for, a flame. I held on to it and let it surge throughout my body, leading it to my hand in which the ball was in.

I opened my eyes and let out a deep breath. My hand now moving to the back of my head, ready to throw, and my foot getting ready to take a step. I finally step, and using all the force and energy I had, I threw the ball, releasing a huge blast of red that blew dirt everywhere. Wind slapped my face and pushed me back a few feet, almost making fall back. I was able to get a hold of my footing and I finally stood up straight when the wind died down from the throw. I looked at the sky for the ball, finally eyeing it. My eyes widen in surprise as I watch it go past the school, out of sight from where we are.

I turn my head towards Aizawa, who's face was with a look of surprise, as he looked at the device he was holding. He faces it towards me now, revealing my score.

1,013 meters.


A second later, I heard gasps of surprise and noises of people being in awe. I face my classmates and watch as they talk about what just occurred.

"1,013 METERS?"




I gulped nervously as I walked to them, switching off with the person who's next,


As I watched him walk to his position I noticed someone took a stand right next to me, and just stare. I craned my neck up to the side and made eye contact with those red eyes.

"What's up? You need something?"

"How come you never used your damn quirk before until now? Were you hiding that shit or something?"

"How do you expect me to use a quirk that I just got today and I'm still learning what to do with it? And we just "met" this morning so how am I supposedly hiding it?"

"What the fuck do you mean you just your fucken quirk today, fucker? And also, don't think for a fucking second that you're better than me because that throw meant nothin, got it?"

"Yeah yeah I got it, and about your question, all will be answered later after school, remember? Now if I were you, I'd pay attention to your good ol' buddy over there who's about have shit go down."

"The fuck do you mean have shit go dow-"

Then, the blast came.

He threw the ball, focusing his power on his one finger, launching that shit into the air.

705.3 meters.

I smiled, myself being filled with pride as I watched him use his quirk.

Badass man, super badass.

I moved my attention to the blonde, mouth agape as he watched the scene unfold. His face npw contorting into full blown anger and, is that, betrayal?

"What is the meaning of this, shitty Deku?"

It was too late to stop him, Bakugou had bolted from where he was standing, running towards Deku with an aura of pure fury. Before he could get to him, cloths wrapped around his form, holding him in place. Aizawa's quirk now activated, he told him to stop immediately and then continued class.

As he showed the results, I let out a sigh.

20th place, honestly I'm not surprised but it still feels disappointing.

I glanced over to Midoriya, who seems like he just got his whole world crushed right before his eyes.

Poor Deku, cheer up, you'll be fine.

After everyone seemed to properly see their results, Aizawa removed them.

"In case you guys thought that you would get expelled if you came dead last, you're wrong. Everyone, class is dismissed, change and go home."

And just like that, he walked away. The breath everyone, including me for some reason, was holding, finally got released in a huge sigh of relief. We all went to our locker rooms and changed back into our normal uniforms. As I went to the classroom, heading to Aizawa, I saw Bakugou and Midoriya, both not walking together of course though. I'm assuming they're going to wait for me outside, so I quickly entered the classroom where I found my teacher and guardian, Aizawa.

"Hey Aizawa, would it be ok if I go home separately from you by any chance? You can just write out your address and I'll head home after, because I need to do something first. If I get lost o anything, I'll just ask someone to lead me to you house"

He looked at me with his tired eyes and just nodded, taking out a piece of paper and writing the address out. Also writing down his work number and telling me that in case I need to call him on someone's phone, which I doubt would happen anyway. He handed it to me and I thanked him, now exiting the classroom.
I walk with purpose in very step, getting closer to my newfound mission. I reach the front doors of the school and walk out, looking around for the two boys. I finally see them, off to the side standing by a tree, slightly hidden from sight. I go towards them, nervousness and determination emanating off me.

Time to tell them two the truth...

To Be Continued...

-dalgona coffee is delicious-

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