Chapter 3

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I'm so fucked...

"So you're telling me this is UA high school?"

"U-uh yes it is!"

"And you are Midoriya and anger issues over there is Bakugou?"

"Y-yes you are correct."

"I'm going fucken crazy right now aren't I. I must be losing my damn mind."

I let out a huge sigh as they both give me puzzled looks as to why I'm saying such things. Bakugou becomes the first out of the pair to speak up after a moment of silence.

"Why are you losing your mind you bastard, we should be the ones losing our minds after seeing you appear outa the damn sky out of fucking no where!"

I decide to contemplate whether or not I say anything what happened that led me here in the first place. As I rub mini circles around my temples, I come to terms with the fact that I for sure am no longer home nor am I sleeping.

So much for trying to get a good night's sleep.

"Soooooo anyways, you guys, do you maybe perhaps hopefully have a change of clothes because like, uhhh as you can see, these clothes ain't gonna hold up for much longer."

I watch as both guys finally pay attention to my disheveled form and realize that I wasn't kidding about the fabrics not being able to hold up much longer. They both shoot their eyes back up to look at each other and shake their heads.

"Well since you both don't have any spare clothes, uhhh, Ima just head out. Peace you guys, it was nice knowing you."

I throw up the peace sign and try walking fast to get out of this school so I can look for a place to hide or something. I know, kinda really dumb decision on my part, but at this point I don't know what to do. My mind has too many thoughts and I can't seem to focus on one.

First things first, how the hell am I gonna get back home?

As I'm thinking on where to run to, I bump into someone's chest and stumble back a couple inches to catch my footing. I peer my head up to only now realize that it was no other than damn Bakugou blocking my exit and now crossing his arms over his chest. He gives me the deadliest glare I have ever seen on someone and opens his mouth to speak.

More like yell. Way to burst my eardrums.

"And where in the hell do you think you're fucking going huh?! You still haven't answered my questions and you might as well be a spy or some shit. Are you a villain who's tryna infiltrate the school? You think you're gonna fucken escape. I. Don't. Think. So."

I open my mouth to speak but no words form as this dude continued to stare me down. If looks could kill, I'd be dead on the spot with the way he's staring at me. Even his damn presence at the moment is just fucken intimidating.

The green haired boy walks toward me from the side, inching closer and closer as if he's trying to capture a loose animal.
"Kacchan's right, as far as we know, you could well off be a spy of some sort. We don't even know your name and we still do not have a clue of how you came crashing from the sky."

Um.. I'm in trouble. How am I gonna get out of this mess?

"Haha. Guys I'm no spy, and in all honesty, I don't know how I came here myself. If you would let me go I'll get outa your hair no worri- hey uhh hahah guys. Why are you inching closer to me?"

I watch as they walk towards me with serious expressions, both inching closer and closer. I notice how they're arms are now held out, me now realizing that they are now blocking my chance to escape the school.

Shit, they're coming closer.

Think bitch, think. What should I do in this situation.

Just then, it hit me.

They didn't block one exit.

I let out a mischievous laugh which causes them to take a pause at their capture mission. Both wearing a questioning expression, Deku speaks,

"U-um, why are you laughing?"

I smirk at them, now figuring out how I'm going to escape.

"You guys failed to realize there's one escape route of mine you have failed to block. Hehehehe."

I bent down and grabbed some rocks and debris with my hands. I threw them and kicked dirt as well at the two boys who now moved their arms to shield their eyes.

Plan B, never thought I would need one but here we are...
we run.

I turned my heels around and sprinted as fast as I could to where my back was once facing. I don't look back as I hear Bakugou yell out cursing me with god knows how many horrendous words. Deku is calling to me and I think they're now running. I pick up my pace and zoom towards the open doors.

I run into UA, my mind now thinking of places to hide.

Legs, my dear sweet legs, please don't fail me now. Because if you do,

I am so dead..

To Be Continued...

-um chile, anyways...-

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