Chapter 5

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Here we are I suppose...

There I am, standing before this big ass door. Once I walk through it, I will either get help or be screwed I guess.

What if they think I'm a villain, a spy, or something. Please have them help me out please please please.

"You done with your daydreaming, or do you wanna just keep standing there?"

I whip my head to look at my companion who showed me the way here. I give him a small smile and say,

"Thanks again Shinsou for bringing me here, it means a lot. I'm sorry if I made you late to class if its already begun."

He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly and shakes his head.

"Its fine y/n. Me being late isn't going to be a death sentence if its just one day. Besides its like beginning of the school year so who cares."

I let out a huge sigh.

"Still though, thanks, I mean it. I would've been wandering throughout the school for who knows how long just looking for this damn place. Well Ima head in, see you around hopefully if all goes well in there, I might be seeing you around. I mean either that or I'm back at my place which means this'll be the last time you see me around. It was really nice meeting you though it was a short time."

He just stares at me and the silence ensues for a couple of seconds until he finally tells me,

"You mean we will be seeing each other again because remember, you still need to tell me how you knew me and who you really are. I wanna hear this story so don't leave before then alright? I'll leave you to whatever you're gonna do in the principal's office. See you around y/n"

He waves his hand while he walks away and now here I am alone.

Hello darkness my old friend...
I've come to talk to you againnnnnn...

I take in a deep breath as I mentally prepare myself. I make my legs move and finally knock on the door. I wait for maybe only five seconds, my heartbeat racing inside my chest. I did not need to be so nervous but oh well.

Finally, after what felt like a whole ass eternity, the door opens.

Eh, there's no one there.
Where the hell's Mr. Remy knockoff???

"Why hello there young miss, is there something I could help you with?"

My head moves downward and I take a loud gasp. I facepalm myself, amazed by my own stupidity.

How could I be so stupid and forget such a major detail. This rat principal is short as fuck.

"Um, miss? May I ask for your name, it seems as if I don't recall you being a student here at this high school."

I quickly get myself together so I can ask him my question.

"Um yes, I'm sorry, my name's y/n. About that, yes I am not a student here as you can see with my attire." Smoooooth "Actually, I'm here to ask for your help if that is ok with you Principal Nezu."

"Hmm I see, well come in and take a seat right over there while I make some tea."

I do as he says and sit down slowly, trying to ease the pain on my ass due to earlier's collision that took place. I wait patiently, slightly being wracked with nerves as he makes the tea. When he finished, he poured it into two cups and trotted over to the couch seating that was in front of me. He hands me a cup and places his own down on the table in between us. He stares at me and I stare back at him, nervous as fuck.

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