Chapter 23

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"What is he talking about?"
"Who is he Y/N?"
"How do you know him?"

A million questions were thrown at me while I stood there with an unreadable expression. My head was screaming at me to move out of sight and fucken blast. Aizawa came up from behind and blocked me from view. He was analyzing the villains while making sure to signal his students to move back. He tilted his head slightly to the side and said,

"I don't know what he's talking about, but you better explain yourself when this is all over."

"I can explain myself now. Long story short, I thought he needed lotion or something. I know you probably can't tell right now, but up close his skin is hella flaky ok."

He grumbled as he started grabbing at his scarf. "Last time you ever consider helping someone when you have ABSOLUTELY no idea who it is. You understand me?"

All I could do was nod slightly, my body still being on high alert. The villains down below continued to get closer and closer and everyone was starting to panic.

"Thirteen, start the evacuation. Get all the students out."

"On it!"

Deku took a step towards Aizawa, a look of fear in his eyes.

"You're saying that you're going to confront all these villains by yourself? Erasure's quirk can capture villains after cancelling their quirks. A frontal battle is..."

"You can't be a hero with just one trick.."

Right after Aizawa said those words, he launched himself down the stairs, preparing his cloths for battle. Everyone admired our teacher's amazing combat skills for a short period of time until we had to evacuate.

Everyone was trying their best to make a run for the exit, but apparently, we weren't fast enough. In front of our group, a purple mist appeared from the ground, blocking our exit. I forgot that damn thing fucken talked so that was a bit of a surprise.

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains.
It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in; to the home of heroes, UA high school;
In order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath."

As he was continuing to blabber on and on, Thirteen was preparing their finger canisters so they could suck that bitch in. Before they could do anything though, Bakugou and Kirishima were launching themselves in the air, ready to fight. After the smoke from one of Bakugou's blast cleared away, we all saw that the mist did not move one bit.

"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!"

Just then, his mist surrounded our group, creating a huge gust of wind to make us lose our balance. I yelled at the top of my lungs to try and tell everyone to grab onto each other, but it was too late. Everyone was starting to get teleported to different places, so I tried to latch onto someone before it was too late. I saw that Kaminari was closest to where I was, so I started trudging to where he was.

As if to make matters worse, the terminology of 'so close yet so far' had been enacted upon me. Just as I was about to grab a hold of him, one of the mists' arms wrapped around me, pulling me into the air. I wriggled my entire body, trying to free myself from its hold on me, so much as even trying to burn it. The mist chuckled and said,

"My apologies Y/N, but Shigaraki wants to have a conversation with you to express his gratitude for the kind gifts he had received from you."

My effort wasn't enough to remove his grip because I was now getting pulled closer to the misty being, a portal now being created right next to him. I tried shooting lava balls or some shit at him, but it was no use, he kept dodging them left and right. I saw a glint of Blonde coming from behind him and then a blast was blown straight to his back, his hold now loosening.

Perfect, now's my chance!

I blasted the arm and pushed myself away from it. What I failed to remember is that I was currently mid air, wind pushing me around back and forth. My body was getting whiplash from being tossed around, I was starting to get dizzy and disoriented.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my waist and brought me to the ground. I raise my head to see Kirishima hovering me, giving me deja-vu from the hallway incident.

"You okay, Y/N?"

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy. Thanks Kiri."

"No problem."


We followed the voice and saw Bakugou running towards us, yelling nothin but profanities. Right as he reached us, we all got teleported into a building. We immediately got into ready positions, us three now back to back. There were villains surrounding us, preparing for the kill. I glanced at my classmates then back to our opponents, watching as they inch closer to our mini-formed circle.

"We got this, guys, get ready to drag their asses through the floor.
Let's make them regret tryin' to attack class 1-A."

Kirishima chuckled, "You got that right Y/n."

Bakugou grunted, "Tch, obviously we're gonna beat their fucken asses.
And by the way, don't think you're all in the clear too, Y/N.
You better keep you fucken eyes peeled since that hand fucker seems to want something from you."

Shit, why do you have to be a smart ass now..

"Yea, yea, I got it. Now then, time for the main event."

All the villains jumped towards us, the battle now beginning. I grinned in somewhat excitement and nervousness at the same time.

Get ready to eat shit, assholes...

To Be Continued...

-It's been too longgggg, screw homework. I want more coffee now...-

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