Chapter 30

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After the bell rang, ending our fourth period, we all went our separate ways to eat. I ended up in the same line as Todoroki, who was about two people in front of me. I was about to say hi but life had other plans as I basically got crushed between two students. The line had gotten longer which meant the cafeteria was way more packed.

I tried to move in a way where I would not be getting smothered by the other bodies, but it was no use. I was getting jostled around like a fucken ragdoll, along with the other students. There was then a tug on my hand which suddenly got stronger and suddenly I was yanked forward. Me being the graceful person that I was, stumbled a bit before colliding into the owner of the hand holding mine. I was about to say sorry to the person I stumbled into, only to look up and recognize them.

I gave a smile and said, "Hey Shouto, thanks for saving me back there, oh and sorry for crashing into you."

He nodded. "...Your welcome Y/n."

Todoroki's POV:

A familiar voice made me turn my head to see if they were actually there. I was able to catch a glimpse of Y/n just before she disappeared into the sea of people. Although she was still in the line, all the bodies were very close together.

They must be crushing her.

After searching for Y/n a bit more, I was able to see she had stuck out her hand as she tried to get through. Without a second thought, I reached for her hand and grabbed a hold of it, trying to pull her towards me. Finally seeing an opening that would lead her to me, I pulled her hand and she stumbled toward me.

She looked up and smiled at me. She looked a bit funny since her hair was messed up and her clothes a bit wrinkled due to being crushed. But somehow, she still looked pretty.

Back to Y/N's POV:

In back of me I could've sworn I heard iida and Uraraka, so I turned my head to the side. Sure enough, my other friends were indeed behind us about three people back. I was surprisingly able to overhear what they were talking about.

"I wonder why Deku was called by All Might to have lunch with him. What do you think Iida?"

"Well do you recall what Tsuyu had mentioned? How Deku's quirk is similar to that of All Might's. Maybe All Might has taken a liking to him. How amazing!"


After Uraraka had displayed her excitement, I felt a tighter grip on my hand. I glanced up to see Todoroki looking more serious than he usually does. It seems that he had been paying close attention to what the other two were saying.

"Who's next?"

I faced forward and luckily enough, Todoroki and I had made it to the front. He turned his face back to the front and ordered a cold soba. After he had made his order, I gave mine and quickly, we received our food. I was about to reach for the tray to carry it with both hands, when I noticed my hand was still in Todoroki's hold. He seemed to not have realized either because he was bringing both mine and his hand down to grab his own tray.

"Um, Shouto..."

He turned to face me, now having his full attention. "... What happened Y/n?"

"Well, you're still holding my hand, and uh we need to grab our food."

His eyes now went a bit wide and looked down at our conjoined hands.


After what felt like a thousand years of him looking at our hands, he finally released his hold on me and reached for his tray.

Todoroki's POV:

Her hand felt oddly comforting. I didn't even realize that I was still holding her hand this whole time. It felt calming in a sense and like it was... natural?

Looking down at our joined hands, I somewhat felt... annoyed that I would have to let go of it. I think her being my first friend is making me feel more comfortable with her. How interesting...

Back to Y/N's POV:

I quickly got my tray and started walking, falling into pace with him. I guess many saw the scene that had just panned out so giggles and mini comments were being made.

"Jeez, couples these days"

"How adorable"

My face felt hot as we continued to walk, finally reaching the lunch table. Not too much after we sat, Iida and Uraraka had come and sat down with us.

"Hey Y/n, hey Todoroki!"

"Hey Uraraka, hey Iida."


"Woah Y/n, are you ok? You look a little flustered."

"Hahha, don't worry I'm ok Uraraka. It's just that people were saying some stuff that got me a little embarrassed that's all."

Now it was Iida's turn to ask questions. "Oh, what did they say? Were they saying disrespectful things? What happened?"

"Well about that-"

"I was holding Y/n's hand for quite a while and I forgot to let go of it when we were trying to grab our food trays, so people were thinking we were a couple."

My eyes turned to Todoroki, surprised that he actually said it. But then again, he's pretty blunt when it comes to things like this.




I quickly shake my hands and head. "No no no we aren't a couple. He was just saving me from being crushed by all the students in the line so he grabbed my hand and pulled it. In order for me to not get pushed away, he kept holding it. Right Todoroki?"

After staring at me for about five seconds, he nodded his head in agreement.

"Ohhhhh I see. Well that's great then that Todoroki was there to help you out."

After talking for a while and finishing up our food, the bell had rung, signalling that our next class is going to start. The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly, disregarding the fact that Mina had found out what had happened at lunch so she started announcing it when the bell had rung ending the school day.

Immediately, Mina rushed to my desk and started giggling like a madman.

"Y/n I can't believe you didn't tell me about you and Todoroki going out! Now you better spill the tea now or I'm going to lose it!"


"Minaaaaa, I swear we aren't dating. I already said he was saving me from being crushed by people. And you, Hothead. Why would I date someone who I don't really even know that well?"

"Ohhhhh okok girl, well either way, your knight in shining armor came to your rescue am I wrong?"

Suddenly Aoyama popped up from thin air and sparkled so bright I thought my eyeballs were going to burn off.

"Did you mademoiselle, call moi?" queue the dramatic blinking eyes.

We started laughing and we were about to leave the class when suddenly we hear Uraraka gasp.

"W-What's going on here?!"

Everyone heads towards the door to see what she was talking about when we saw it.

We were blocked in.

To Be Continued...


-HEEHEHHE I made another chapterrrr. I stayed up too late tonight I don't wanna go to school. until next timeeeeeeee.-

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