Chapter 22

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The next morning had come too fast for my own liking. I threw on my hero costume and went out to the meet-up spot for our class. I saw that Uraraka was talking to Deku about him being in his sports uniform, and then my eyes glazed over to Todoroki, who was sitting alone on the bench.

He seemed to be lost in thought so I started to sneak up behind him, inching closer and closer. Once I was at a good distance, I lightly smacked my hands on his back, causing him to stand up and flip around, ready for combat.

"Uh... Boo?"

He stood there with a serious gaze until he realized it was just me.

"... you scared me..."

"If anything, you scared me dude! I didn't expect you to react so fast."


"Nonono there's reason for you to be sorry!"

"Oh ok."



Well that went well.
Great talk... not


My eyes searched for where the voice came from and I finally saw Mina. I said 'talk to you later' and headed towards her. She jumped toward me and gave me a big hug, while I was secretly thanking her for saving me from an awkward conversation. A whistle was blown from no other than the class rep.

"Class 1-A, gather around!
Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!"

We all board the bus and see that the numbers don't matter since the seats are built differently. I was about to sit next to Mina when a shiny piece of armor blinded my field of vision, gracefully sitting where I was going to. It was none other than Aoyama, who just smiles at me and winks, mentioning something within the lines of 'mon amore'.

I laughed and sat to his right, which luckily was an empty seat. When the last of the students came in, the empty seat next to me became occupied by a blonde with a lightning streak in his hair.

"Hey there Y/N. We haven't been able to really talk these past days. Name's Denki Kaminari, lemme take you out sometime, how about it?"

He wore a cocky grin, but I knew that deep down this guy was shitting bricks. There's only one way to respond to his question...

"Uhuh, yeah for sure. So when are we going?" I gave him a slight smirk and ruffled his hair.

That grin morphed into his mouth falling wide open, surprised that I actually said yes. He kept stuttering while trying to think of a comeback which made me start laughing because of the face he was making.

"Your quirk is like All Might's."

That made me whip my head around so fast, watching the scene that was unfolding. Deku was trying to think of an excuse to give to Asui, which wasn't going well since he kind of sucks at lying. Luckily, Kirishima had jumped in and said that All Might doesn't injure himself everytime he uses his quirk.

"My hardening is strong against others, but unfortunately it doesn't look like much." Kirishima then activated his quirk on his arm.

Deku then said, "I think it's really cool!"

I also joined him and said, "Yea Kiri, your quirk is so cool dude! You can really fuck someone up!"

"I don't know about that but thanks Y/N! Means a lot!"

For the remainder of the time we were in the bus, we each talked about our quirk and what-not. Once we arrived at the USJ Center, the Space Hero Thirteen was there waiting for us. We all headed inside and they gave us the run down of every section of the center. After that they explained how anyone's quirk can be evil and so forth, we were finally going to start.

Aizawa broke away from the wall he was leaning on.

"All right then, first-"

He was cut off by the lights going out and something appearing at the fountain that was in the middle of the center. Everyone was confused and we tried to look to see what was down there. A purple mist had appeared along with people coming out of it.

"Is this like the entrance exams where the lesson's already started?"

Right when we were going to move, all of us assuming the training had started, Aizawa yelled,

"Don't move!
Those are villains."

As more and more villains came out, one of them, in particular, caught my eye. His blue hair, recognizable, his face now covered with a hand, and the same outfit he wore the day I first saw him. From this distance I couldn't see him quite clearly, but I felt as though those red eyes of his were boring into me.

While everyone was still in shock, a laugh reverberated throughout the facility, making me tense, the hair at the back of my neck now raised.

"Well, well, well. Here I was looking for All Might and even went through the hassle of bringing a whole crowd, but he's nowhere to be found. I can't believe he isn't here."

As he walked forward, I was able to make out his appearance more clearly. He dug through his pockets and took out what looked like a sticky note. The one I gave him in particular.

"Well no matter, at least I won't be going empty-handed now that I know you're here."

Everyone began to speak amongst each other, worried about who he's talking about, but not me. I had an idea of who it might be ever since he brought out that damn sticky note.

"Y/N, L/N. Just the person I was looking for. I want to thank you for those things you gave me. Maybe I'll kill a couple kids and then take you. Hopefully even that will bring All Might to me. I'll kill two birds with one stone, what'd ya say?"

After that, everyone whipped their heads toward me, shocked. I stood there, frozen, unmoving.

I'm fucked.

To Be Continued...

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