Chapter 55

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As soon as the bell rang, signifying the end of the final testing period, everyone let their pencils drop as we all collectively sigh in relief. I crack my neck and rotate it around, trying to relax it from being in the same position for more than an hour.

"Y/n" I heard as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn my head to give my green haired friend my full attention.

"What's up?"

"So, how do you think you did on the exams?"

"I'm gonna be honest, I think I did a pretty good job. All that grueling studying between me and Kirishima did I think really paid off in the end after all, haha."

"Oh really? You guys decided to study together?"

"Yea since we both agreed how we were really low in regards to class placements. We both kinda had the same subjects we had to focus on so it just happened. And don't even get me started on who was actually helping us. That was absolute torture but then again it helped us in the long run."

Deku tilted his head and smiled, "Oh, who was it that helped you? Also in case you ever need help or just want to study together, you can come to me as well Y/n."

I give him a smile in appreciation, "Awe thank you, I'll make sure to take your offer on that pretty soon, even when it comes to training our quirks if you don't mind. And as for who helped us, I'll give you a huuuuge hint:
He's always in a pissy bitchy mood, has blonde hair, makes everyone around him go deaf whenever words come out of his mouth, and did I mention that he was a little bitc-"

Suddenly I felt a hand on top of my head and audibly gulped, playing the part. The hand began to make my head slightly turn to meet eyes with its owner.

"You gonna keep talking shit about me or are you gonna thank me for helping your sorry ass." he said as he smiled while glaring like a psycho.

"Oh great heavens! How could this mere morsel forget to say thank you to her savior!"

At that he rolled his eyes and let his hand fall back to his sides. "Dumbass, I don't know why the hell you always gotta act like I'm a fucken tyrant."

I shrug my shoulders. "What can I say, I really enjoy it. Don't you also think it's pretty amusing to see, right buddy." I say as I turn back to the All Might fanatic. Only, what I saw was him staring at Bakugou with a serious blank expression. I turn to Bakugou, questioning him as to why he's looking at him like that.

I haven't seen a face like this coming from Deku,
somethin's probably up.

"Oi, Deku. The fuck's the matter with that face of yours. Want me to beat you to a pulp?"

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Seriously? That was the best thing you could let leave your mouth? I swear at this point I'ma need to bleach that damn mouth of yours."

The only response I got from his was a grunt as he turned and started heading out. I took that as my queue to also start getting ready to leave. I got up from my chair, gathering my things as it was the end of the day and half the class was already on the way to the door. I turn and see Deku now staring down the pencil on his desk with his hands held up against his face.

"Um, heyy, earth to Midoriya." I say as I wave my hand in front of his eyes.

Hmm, nothings working.
Should I tap him to have him snap out of whatever the hell he's doing?

I move a couple steps to where I'm now at his side. I lift up my backpack since it was slipping off my shoulder and reach my hand towards his shoulder.

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