Chapter 36

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"The Cavalry Battle!"
In Front of me, I could hear Denki saying how bad he is at these. From everyone's mumbling, most were wondering how that's going to work.

"Participants can form teams of two to four as they wish. The one thing that's different from a regular cavalry battle is:
Based on how you placed in the last game, each person now has a certain point value. The points go up by five starting from the bottom until it reaches to the top!

So that means the point value assigned to the person in first place is... ten million!"

My eyes widened at my queen's words as I slightly glanced over to Midoriya, who looks like he's about to pass out. Everyone's eyes were on him, preying down on his being as if in one clean move, they would devour him.

oop, rest in peace
You were a great friend 'till the end
I'll make sure to find your All Might figures a good home

Midnight spoke once again, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"That's right everyone. This is a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top. Each team is worth the total number of every member's points..."

As she continued to lay out the rules, I was looking around, observing everyone as they started talking about who wanted to team up with who.

"Now then, starting now you have 15 minutes to build your team. Go!"

There's no point in thinking who I'm gonna go with, I think I already know.

I walked to the person who looked like he wanted to die in a ditch since everyone avoided teaming with him. I tap on his shoulder to take his attention away from his mumbling.

"Hey Izuku, let's team up."

His mouth dropped open while his eyes teared up as he just stood there.

"Really? You want to team up with me?"

"Well of course, that's why I'm asking you. We'll make a great team, so what do you say?"


"Great, so that's two people, we just need two left."

In no time, Uraraka came over wishing to team up and Deku was able to get Tokoyami to join.
When we finished talking strategy, we huddled together as we waited for the minutes to be over. Suddenly, I saw a flash of pink before everything went pitch black.

"Guess whooooo"

"Hmmm, lemme take a guess... It's definitely someone who has pink hands and an amazing voice, so it must be Mina."

Mina removed her hands and I turned around. We gave each other a hug.

"Hell yeah! I know my voice is so amazing, finally someone understands!"

"Anything for you queen!"

"Aww thank youuuu y/n! Anyways, I came to say good luck, may the best team win!"

"Thanks Mina, good luck to you too."

As we made small talk I noticed the rest of her team came up behind her. Sero and Kirishima had their arms around each other's shoulders as they strode up next to Mina. Kirishima

"Hey Y/n, good luck on the cavalry battle."

"Thanks Eijiro, you too. You guys better show off your quirks. Don't go easy on no one, ya hear me?"

"Hear you loud and clear Y/n."

"Hope you can evade my traps Y/n." Sero said as he appeared from behind Kirishima.

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