Chapter 19

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        "Minnie hyung Minnie hyung!" Ryeowook screamed as he saw the pool of blood Sungmin was lying in, "Minnie hyung!" 

        "We need to clean his wound and get some bandages!" Siwon said fearfully and quickly came back with a wet clothe.

        Sungmin started to stir, Ryeowook clutched his hand and continued calling until his friend woke up, "Sungmin hyung! Did Seohyun do this? Are you okay? Where are Sungjong and Sojin?" 

        "They're...gone." he whispered, "There was a man..." 

        "It wasn't Seohyun?" Ryeowook asked, suprised. 

        "She wouldn't dare come and do it herself." Kyuhyun said, putting his arm around Ryeowook. 

        "So where are my children?" Ryeowook sobbed and buried his head into Kyuhyun's chest. 


        Seohyun knew that Kyuhyun and Ryeowook would think that she had hidden their children in a secret place, so instead she just hid them in her room in the Girls Generation dorm. 

        The truth was that she was starting to think about Taeyeon's words, but how could she stop now? So instead she hid them in a pleasant place where 7 girls would take care of them. She was probably the nicest kidnapper in history. 

        "Be quiet!" she snapped at the two children who were crying and yelling thier heads off for their umma, "Ryeowook doesn't know where you are!" 

        "Seohyun take them back!" Yuri said, "Shh come here babies-" 

        But that just made them yell for Ryeowook even harder, "I WANT MY UMMA!" Sojin screamed. 

        Sooyoung picked her up and held her tight while Taeyeon took care of Sungjong to make them quiet down. Sooyoung thought, We're cowards, every singe on of us, I'm done, I'll turn Seohyun in to the police if I have to, she's not hurting these children or Ryeowook. 

        Outside their dorm, a certain visitor had come, and she definitely was not expecting to hear such a racket. 

        Victoria wondered what it was and opened the door as quietly as she could, she peeked through the crack in Seohyun's door and her eyes widened in shock at what she saw. Seohyun was screaming at Sungjong and Sojin (how did they even get here? she wondered) and the other SNSD members were pleading with her to stop. 

        "YOUR FATHER IS MINE!" Seohyun screamed, loosing control, "YOUR UMMA IS A WHORE YOU HEAR ME?" 


        "YOU BASTARD!" Seohyun shrieked and slapped Sungjong, Taeyeon ran forward to intervene and Sojin bit Seohyun's leg, "Don't you ever hurt my brother ever again!" 

        Silently, Sooyoung crept out of the room, but it was too late for Victoria to hide, she didn't say anything because she didn't want to give Victoria away, instead she motioned for Victoria to get out and she followed. 

        "Run!" Sooyoung said. 

        "What happened?" Victoria asked when they had gotten a safe distance away. 

        "Seohyun-kidnapped-them-and-hurt-Sungmin." Sooyoung panted, "I can't take it anymore." 

        "I'm going to tell Kyuhyun and Ryeowook right now." Victoria said firmly, "Why didn't you do it before?" 

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