Chapter 14

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        Kyuhyun was not sure how to spproach Ryeowook, no matter how he did he would probably scare the poor boy out of his wits. So one day, he followed them from their house and to the park to where Ryeowook and Sungmin were taking Sungjong and Sojin to play. 

        "Sungjong is growing up fast isn't he?" Sungmin smiled. 

        "Yea." Ryeowook smiled back, "And look at my little Sojinnie. Sungjong!" he called, "Take care of your sister! And don't go far!" 

        "Yes umma!" Sungjong called back. 

        And so Ryeowook and Sungmin continued to talk and suddenly, when Ryeowook looked up, Sojin was very far away and talking to a man with sunglasses, "SOJIN!" he yelled and took off after his daughter with Sungmin close on his heels. About a meter away from his daughter, he stopped short, because now he was close enough to recognize the man holding his daughter's hand. It was Kyuhyun, "Kyuhyun..." he whispered. 

        "Hello Ryeowook, Sungmin." Kyuhyun greeted them. 

        "GET AWAY FROM HIM SOJIN!" Sungjong screamed, a sad look came over Kyuhyun's face, he knew his son would probably never forgive him, not for hurting him, but for hurting his beloved umma Ryeowook. 

        "Don't worry Sungjong," he said softly, "I won't hurt you."

        "Don't go near him umma!" Sungjong screamed, hugging Ryeowook's legs tight. 

        "Let go of my daughter." Ryeowook said, trembling, seeing Kyuhyun made him want the other so bad, but he had to resist, for his children's sake. 

        "Ryeowook, she is my daughter too." 

        "Not anymore!" 

        Kyuhyun knew what he was about to say was not enough, but what else was there to say? "I'm sorry." 

        "Sorry is not enough." Ryeowook said in a shrill voice. 

        "I know." Kyuhyun said miserably, "Ryeowook, I know you're still in contact with the others, and I'm guessing they didn't tell you yet?" 

        "Tell me what?" Ryeowook demanded.

        "You asked me that night...if there was something in my drink, so I took it to get checked, the results only came out yesterday, it turns out there was something in the drink...some grinded pills." 

        "What pills?" 

        "I don't know...some sort of drug that makes people angry, I didn't put it there Ryeowook I swear, and I don't know who did, but now you know that what I did that night...I wasn't responsible for my own actions." 

        Ryeowook hesitated, not sure if he should believe Kyuhyun or not, but once he saw the look on Kyuhyun's face he knew that his husband was not lying, unable to stop himself anymore, he threw his arms around Kyuhyun's neck, causing Kyuhyun to stumble a bit as he was caught off guard. 

        "Umma no!" Sungjong shrieked, "Uncle Sungmin stop him!" 

        "No Sungjong...your father did not mean to hit Ryeowook, he was drugged." Sungmin did not know how to explain this to a young boy. 

        "Kyuhyun...but who?" Ryeowook whispered the question.

        "I don't know Wookie I don't know..." 

        Sojin made a face, "Umma and appa are being icky again." she was pretty much unaffected by what was going on around her. 

        "Come home with me." Kyuhyun whispered, "Please." 

        "Kyuhyun..." though he now knew why Kyuhyun had hit Sungjong, he was still scared, "What if it happens again?" 

        "It won't." 

        "You can't stop whoever's doing it Kyu." Ryeowook reminded him sadly. 

        "We'll find out who did and stop him or her."         

        "Kyu...I think it's safer if we stay here until you can find out who did it, if that person does it again what happens to Sungjong and Sojin?" 

        "But Ryeowook..." then Kyuhyun realized that Ryeowook was right, "I'll visit as often as I can. And I WILL find who's doing it." he promised. 

        "Guys..." Sungmin interrupted, "Maybe it was just a mistake...or someone was having fun, it probably won't happen again."

        "Oh it will." Kyuhyun said with a serious and stressed look on his face. 

        "Why do you look so sure?" Sungmin asked. 

        "Because I got a note from that person a few weeks after you left and told me to break up with you for good, or she would hurt you." 

        Suddenly, Ryeowook had a flashback of all the terrible things that had happened since he left Kyuhyun. Sungjong and Sungmin nearly got crashed by a car when they walked across the street even though all the cars were supposed to stop because there was a red light. Sojin found a snake in her bed and nearly got bitten but Sungmin came in just in time. Ryeowook found a knife in his bed, and so much more.

        At the time, Ryeowook had thought of them as accident's, but now he wasn't so sure, "So it's a she?"

        "Definitely. It was a girls handwriting. And she called me oppa." Kyuhyun confirmed. 

        "Maybe it was a guy faking." Sungmin said tiredly. 

        "No," Ryeowook said, "All those 'accidents' we had, if a boy were to do them he wouldn't just do it indirectly like that, Kyu's right, I think it's a girl." 

        "Anyway, I've told the police, they're gonna do their best." 

        "Can you stay just for the weekend before you go?" Ryeowook asked shyly. 

        In return he recieved a warm smile, "Of course my Ryeowookie." 

        Sungjong was still hiding behind Sungmin, scared out of his mind, "Sungjong," Ryeowook said, "Please...your father was drugged, a bad woman did it to him Sungjongie he didn't want to." 

        Sungjong stepped out from behind Sungmin and Sungmin picked up the crying boy, who still refused to say anything.

        "Sungjong." But the moment Kyuhyun got near him he started crying and screaming again, Kyuhyun drew away his hand, looking hurt. Thats when he saw the faint mark on Sungjong's cheek where he had hit him. 

        "It doesn't matter," Ryeowook consoled him, "I'll talk to Sungjong, he just doesn't understand." 

     "But I do! Don't I umma?" Sojin asked brightly, "I'm glad appa came! Now you look much happier!" 

        No matter how depressing Sungjong was, at least they had their upbeat little Sojin, "Of course Sojin." Kyuhyun said, lifting her up easily with one arm and putting the other around Ryeowook's shoulders while Sungmin carried Sojin. Together, the five walked back to their house, knowing that their problems were far from solved.



        *gasps* who do u think it is? 

        HINT: an SM artist.. a girl. If you know which ship I hate the most u probably know who it is xD      

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