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  12 years later

        "Aghh Ryeowook stop." Kyuhyun moaned as Ryeowook thrust into him hard, "Please." 

        "It serves you right! You NEVER let me top! This is the first time!" he said as he pulled out.


        "I like it." 


        "Don't worry Kyu we can take turns topping." Ryeowook smirked. 

        "Umma! Appa!" Sojin screamed from outside their room, "You need to quiet down and come out! Haeeun is here!" 

      Haeeun was Eunhyuk and Donghae's daughter. They insisted on naming their elder son Eunhae and their younger daughter Haeeun. "So they can be fabulous like us." They had said. 

        "Fine." Ryeowook and Kyuhyun reluctantly got dressed and went out, "Hey Haeeun." 

        "Hi Uncle Wook." Haeeun greeted. 

        "Umma! Dasom is here." Sungjong, who was now 16, said. Dasom was Sungmin and Yesung's daughter. Ryeowook had always wanted his children to marry Sungmin's. So if Dasom and Sungjong didn't break up he would definitely get his wish. 

        "Sungjong has a girlfriendddd." Sojin sang, she was now 13 and a very pretty girl. Her long black hair danced around her shoulders and her big, brown eyes, just like her fathers eyes, shone bright. 

        "They grew up so fast." Ryeowook sighed, "It feels like just yesterday Sojin was screaming about murdering barbies and Sungjong was cuddled up on my lap." 

        "Umma!" Sungjong said, his cheeks coloring in embarassment.

        Ryeowook laughed, "Is your umma embarassing you? I'm sorry Sungjong." 

        Dasom gave Sungjong a light kiss on his cheek and he blushed even more. 

        "You'll get a boyfriend someday too." Kyuhyun told Sojin. 

        She wrinkled her nose in disgust, "Ew. No." 


        "If you're talking about Eunhae then he is too young." 

        "He's only younger by three years!" Kyuhyun protested. 


        "Of course she doesn't like him, didn't you know that, Kyu?" Ryeowook teased, "She likes that boy in her class, whats he called? Myungsoo?"

        "I don't like Myungsoo!" Sojin said hotly. 

        "Yeah, he's ugly." 

        "No he isn't! He's really cute!" Sojin argued. 

        Ryeowook laughed, "There you go." 

        "Lets leave them on their own a bit and go for a walk, come on Wookie." Kyuhyun invited and together they walked out of the house and down the street and began to recall old memories. 

       "I kinda miss those times." Ryeowook sighed sadly as they sat down on a bench and he cuddled up to Kyuhyun, "Back when Sungjong and Sojin were just babies and we were young."

        "Does it matter?" Kyuhyun asked, "I still love you and you still love me. Thats all that matters." 

        Ryeowook smiled, "Our love is all that matters." he repeated, and he lay his head on Kyuhyun's chest and watched the sun go down.


last. chapter. ever. *sobs* my first fic ever is finished. gahh what do I write next? im thinking abt a kyu x reader one. either one abt an arranged marriage my friend wrote for me (but i'll have to translate it to english), one abt Kyuhyun saving u from a storm or just one abt college life, what do u want? or do u want another kyuwook one? or a hanchul, sichul love triangle? 

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