Chapter 13

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        "Kyuhyun." Ryeowook scolded, "Why are you drinking so much tonight." 

        "I always drink alot." Kyuhyun took another gulp from the bottle. 

       "But please don't do it when the children are here." Ryeowook pleaded, "It's not something you'd want them to see." 

        "I am the father here and I will do whatever I want." Kyuhyun said angrily, and Ryeowook knew that he was really drunk. But he had never seen Kyuhyun get violent before, "Please Kyukyu-for me." 

        "BE QUIET." Kyuhyun roared, slamming the bottle down onto the table. 

        "Don't speak like that to umma!" Sungjong, who was sitting on the couch with Sojin, defended his mother. 

        Kyuhyun got up, walked over to Sungjong, and gave him a slap on the cheek, the child immediately began screaming, "Do you want more? Shut up!" Kyuhyun smirked. 

        "How-how could you!" Ryeowook cried and as Kyuhyun raised his hand to hit Sungjong again Ryeowook put himself in the way and Kyu's hand hit his husband instead, "Get out of the way bitch." Kyuhyun growled. 

        "Kyuhyun no." Ryeowook's tears began to fall just as his childrens were, "Please..." 

        Kyuhyun raised his hand to hit Ryeowook again, but Ryeowook grabbed his two children by their hands and shouted, "Go!!" and he and his children ran into the street. Kyuhyun growled again and ran after them, "GO!" Ryeowook screamed, he refused to let Kyuhyun hit his babies, "Go to your uncles we're nearly there!" He let go of their hands and let them continue just as Kyuhyun grabbed him from behind and dragged him back to their house, he dragged Ryeowook by his shirt up the stairs and into their bedroom, "Kyu." Ryeowook whimpered, "Why are you suddenly like never get violent...was their something in your-" 

        "Shut up," he growled, "You are going to be punished for interfering."

        He reached for Ryeowook's shirt and ripped it off aggressively. 

        "THERE!" Sungjong screamed from outside the room, "HE'S HURTING UMMA!" 

       Kangin and Siwon immediately ran in and pulled Kyuhyun away from Ryeowook, the other members went to Ryeowook and started taking care of him. Kangin and Siwon dragged Kyuhyun out and left the others, "Umma," Sojin cried, "Umma is okay?" 

        "Yes Sojin umma is fine." he turned to his son and hugged him tight, "But he hit Sungjong...we can't stay with him if he hit you." 

        "You want to go away?" Leeteuk asked. 

        Ryeowook nodded, "I don't want to risk him hurting my children again." 

        Leeteuk nodded, "I'll tell SM you need a break...for how long?" 

        "A year or two." 

        "Thats a long break, and you'll have to come back to him eventually." 

        "I'll see..." 

        "Okay Wookie. Sungmin, you go with him okay? And we won't tell Kyuhyun where you went." 

        "Thank you Teukie hyung." Ryeowook gave his hyung a hug. 

        "We're running away?" Sojin whispered. 

        "Yes, Sojinnie." Ryeowook stroked his daughter's hair, "Away to a safe place where no one will recognize us and tell Kyuhyun where we are." 

        "You see umma? Sungjong was right...appa did hurt you." Sungjong said, touching his face where Kyuhyun had hit him, "And me." 

        "Don't worry Sungjongie," Ryeowook said with a hard, cold look in his eyes, "I won't let him hurt you ever again." 


       "Where is Ryeowook?" Kyuhyun demanded for the millionth time since Ryeowook left, "Where are Sungjong and Sojin?" 

        "I don't know." Leeteuk said, pursing his lips. 

        "Leeteuk hyung." Kyuhyun begged, "I need to know where my Ryeowook and my children are." 


        And so it continued for months, Kyuhyun begged and begged, he searched far and wide for his family and a year later, he was still looking.


        "Uncle Sungmin!" Sungjong shouted, "Look at what I drew!" he handed a picture of him, Sojin, Ryeowook and all the other members of Super Junior. Except for Kyuhyun. 

        "It's a very nice drawing Sungjongie." he stared at the thin line across Sungjong's cheek, where Kyuhyun had hit him a year ago. The scars on his face and Ryeowook's were fading, but the scar Kyuhyun had made in his son's heart by hitting him, he doubted that it would ever heal. 

        "Uncle," Sungjong pouted, "I miss Uncle Hyuk and all my other uncles. But especially Uncle Hyuk." 

        "I know Sungjong I miss them too." Sungmin sighed, he knew they wanted to visit but it was too risky seeing as Kyuhyun would probably follow them.

        Sungmin knew that Ryeowook was very protective of his children but Kyuhyun had only hit them once. He himself was feeling pretty mixed up, he couldn't even imagine what Ryeowook was feeling. 

        He shared a room with Ryeowook, and every night, when he thought Sungmin was asleep, he would quietly cry, but he didn't know that Sungmin heard him every night. Sungmin knew that Ryeowook didn't want him to know he missed Kyuhyun, so he didn't go to comfort Ryeowook when he cried. 

        And now, while he was taking care of Sungjong, Ryeowook was sitting in his room looking at old pictures of Sungmin and Kyuhyun. 


        Ryeowook felt another tear trickle down his cheek as he stared at the picture of Sungmin and Kyuhyun when they had first started dating, he would never admit it, but it still hurt him. He let out a sob and buried his face in his pillow. 

        He was not aware that there was someone looking at him from the window of his one floored house, "Oh my Ryeowook." Kyuhyun whispered, "I've found you at last." 


        mmmm wookie really loves his babies <3 it broke my heart to write this. i just saw some kyumin facts and I cried so now ryeowook has to cry over kyumin too 

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