Chapter 21

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        so i was planning to end this but i came up with an idea on how to make it last a few more chapters or maybe alot more. 


        "Kyukyu me and Sungjong and Sojin are Eunhyuk are going to the fair wanna come along?" Ryeowook asked, "Wait, that wasn't a question, you HAVE to come along." 

        "Of course," Kyuhyun said lovingly, "But why does Hyuk have to go? What about Hae?" 

     "Hae has to do something so Hyuk is lonely. Besides, he loves Sungjong and Sojin alot." Ryeowook explained. 

        "Okay then, just let me go change." Kyuhyun said. 

      Less than half an hour later the 5 arrived at the fair, "I have a suprose for you Sojinne." Ryeowook smiled. 

        "Icey cream?" she said hopefully. 

        "Well, that too, but something else, because you're the only girl here." 

        "Cotton candy?" 

        "No Sojinnie." 

        "What?" Sojin demanded. 

        "Ahh here she is." Ryeowook said as Sooyoung walked up to them, "Here's the suprise." 

        "Sooyoung unnie!" Sojinnie shouted happily.         


        "Lets go to the ferris wheel!" Sojin invited, "So we can spin around and around and around-" 

        "Kyu do you wanna go with them? Me and Hyuk can go with Sungjong." Ryeowook suggested. 

        "But I want to be with you!" Kyuhyun protested. 

        "No." Ryeowook said firmly, "One parent with each child." And that was that.

        So Kyuhyun went off to do girl things with the girls, which he secretly enjoyed. 

      Meanwhile Ryeowook, Eunhyuk and Sungjong were stuffing themselves with all kinds of sweets, "Umma I need the bathroom." Sungjong said. 

        "Okay then lets go." 

        It took them a while to find the bathroom, and once they did they found it empty, "Oh goodie." Eunhyuk said happily, "No long line to get into. Straight to peeing." 

        Sungjong had just finished going when a masked man ran into the bathroom and grabbed hi, "Hey what are you doing!" Eunhyuk shouted as he and Ryeowook ran after the man. 

        "Umma!" Sungjong screamed. 

        "Sungjong!" Ryeowook screamed back, "Give me back my baby!" 

       The man suddenly whistled. Why? Ryeowook wondered. It suddenly occured to him that the man looked very familiar, who was it?

     Suddenly, another 4 men burst out from behind the toilet and grabbed Ryeowook and Eunhyuk. Kyuhyun. Ryeowook thought, he took his phone from his pocket and dialled Kyuhyun'ss number, he was about to hit the call button when the phone was knocked out of his hands, Help me, he thought, and then he blacked out. 


        "What do you mean they're gone?" Kyuhyun shouted. 

        "Sir." the policeman said nervously, "Some witnesses saw it." 

        "Then why didn't they HELP?" Kyuhyun screamed in frustration, "Where is my Ryeowook and my Sungjong? Where is Eunhyuk?" 

        "We're doing all we can to find them sir, we really are." The policeman said desperately. 

        "How am I gonna take care of Sojin alone? How will I tell Donghae?" 


        Donghae did not take it well, "How can he just be taken like that? Why didn't you all stick together?" he shouted, "Cho Kyuhyun I want my Hyukkie back NOW." 

        "AND I WANT MY WOOKIE AND MY BABY BACK NOW!" Kyuhyun roared back, "And I did tell all of you that I had a feeling something like this would happen, didn't I?" 

        No one could argue with that, because he did. 

        "It HAS to be one of the people Seohyun told us about. Kyu zoom in on the picture." he ordered, (one of the witnesses had taken a picture), "He looks familiar." 

       "The police said that so far as they can tell this is not one of the people Seohyun named!" Heechul said, "The other 4 smaller idiots back there are though, but the leader-" 

        "Maybe it's their new gang leader." Hankyung, who had come over, suggested. 

        "Or maybe Seohyun didn't tell us about this dude." Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes, "I still don't trust her." 

        "You realize we can just go ask her during visiting hours." Heechul said. So Kyuhyun, Donghae, Hankyung, and Heechul left to the police station while the other members stayed home and continued to fret. 

        "Only two people can go in." the policeman said. 

        "I'll go." Kyuhyun said. 

        "And me." Donghae said, "Because Hyuk was taken." 

        "Oh please," Heechul scoffed, "Seohyun won't tell anything to an adorable innocent looking boy like you, I'll go with Kyuhyun. We need to be mean here." And he and Kyuhyun left before Donghae could even argue. 

        They were lead down a dark corrider and continued walking until the policeman stopped in front of Seohyun's cell and then left them there.


        "Kyuhyun? Heechul?" she asked, a bit suprised. 


        "I'm glad you came." 

        "Don't flirt with me." Kyuhyun snarled, "Did you leave anyone out when you gave us a list of people you hired?" 

        "No." she said, a mysterious smile on her face. 

        "You did! I can tell!" 


        Seohyun's eyes widened in shock, "I didn't know about that oppa." she said truthfully, "One of my men probably thought I still wanted revenge, after all, I didn't get to speak to them once I got caught." 


        Seohyun suddenly flashed another mysterious smile, "I named everyone I hired oppa, I swear on my life." 

        "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" Heechul shouted. 

        "Sir, visiting time is up." the policeman reappeared and told them. 


        "No buts sir." 

        They started walking out, but then Heechul turned back and called, "Hey Seohyun! How many more months till you get out of jail?" 

        "2 years." she answered. 

       "You deserve more. For lying to us." Heechul said, and then they walked away, leaving Seohyun alone in the cold, dark, prison. 

        Once they were gone, she laughed to herself, "I wasn't lying oppa." she said, though there was no one to hear, "I didn't order anyone to do this. And I really did name all the men I hired, the one you seem to be talking about wanted to help me for free, I didn't hire him. You asked the wrong questions, Heechul and Kyuhyun oppa." And her laughter echoed and then faded in to darkness. 

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