Chapter 18

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        "Wookie please." Kyuhyun pleaded, "You'll be much safer with me back home." 

        "Well..." Ryeowook said reluctantly. 

       "Pleaseeeeee." How could Ryeowook resist those adorable, big brown eyes? "Okay Kyukyu we'll move back with you." he agreed. 

        "Yay!" he picked Sojin up and spun her around, "We're going home Sojinnie!" 

        "Yayyy!" she repeated, "Homeeee!" 

        "Kyu it's nearly her bedtime try not to get her hyper again," Ryeowook scoldly lightly, "And then we need to start packing." 

        So they put Sungjong and Sojin to bed and got packing, "Do you think Seohyun will really try to hurt us?" Ryeowook asked, scared. 

        "Well from what happened in the past year I would say yes." Sungmin said, "She just never got over you Kyu." 

       "Yea my last girlfriend ever from when I was still straight." Kyuhyun grinned, "Ryeowook changed things for me." 

        "Actually Sungmin changed things for you." Ryeowook corrected, "I came later." 

        "Whatever. Eunhae some news for you by the way." 

        "What news?" Ryeowook asked. 

        "You find out when you see them!" Kyuhyun laughed. 


        "We have news for you!" Donghae said excitedly and Sojin kissed his cheek in greeting, "Me and Hyukkie are getting married!" 

        "Really?" Ryeowook asked, smiling, "Thats great hyung! Oh my gods can I be the bridesmaid?" 

        Eunhyuk gave him a strange look, "Okay first of all you're a boy, second, you're married, and third there is no bride only two grooms." 

        "Awww." Ryeowook pouted sadly. 

    "But we were planning on making Sojin our bridesmaid if that makes you feel any better." Donghae said. 

        "But just now you said that-" 

        "Hyuk said, not me." 

        "But omo my hyungs are finally getting married!" Ryeowook teared up and gave them a tight hug, "Finally!" 

        "It's time for you to get out there Sungmin." Kyuhyun teased. 

        "What?" Sungmin asked, distracted by Kyuhyun's voice. 

        "I said- hey who are you looking at?"

        "No one." Sungmin said, managing not to blush. 

        "Liar, I bet Ryeowook knows too." he grinned evilly, "Go on guys, which one of our Super Junior members is it?" 

        "No one!" Sungmin said forcefully, "Be quiet Kyu!" 

        "Sungmin who is it?" Donghae teased. 

        "Must be me, I'm so gorgeous." Heechul sighed, taking out a mirror and admiring himself. 

       "I think we were taught to say 'You are so gorgeous' not I." Kangin frowned, recalling their english lesson years ago.

        "But thats not true, I'M the gorgeous one." 

        "Yahhh come one Minnie who is it?" Shindong teased. 

        "Now now lets be a little Sungmin's secrets." Leeteuk said maturely. 

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