Chapter 5

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        For the next week Kyuhyun followed Ryeowook whereever he went and was insanely jealous whenever Ryeowook was with Sungmin, though he didn't show it. He had made peace with Sungmin by apologizing and Sungmin had graciously forgiven him,  now Kyuhyun was trying to avoid being too obvious about his jealousy. 

        "Minnieeeeeee!!!!! I made browniesssss!!!" Ryeowook happily skipped into his friends room. 

        Sungmin took one from the plate and took a bite, "These are amazing!" 

        "I got the tip from Percy Jackson." Ryeowook grinned, "Not too much butter." 

        "Well, it works." Sungmin said, reaching for another brownie, "These are great." 

        Suddenly, the door burst open and Kyuhyun was standing in the doorway, he cried, "Ryeowook! I need help with um- I'm trying to learn thai and I need help!" he stuttered an excuse to get Ryeowook away from Sungmin. 

        "If you need help with thai go to Henry," Ryeowook scolded, "I'm with Sungmin right now." 

        "But Henry isn't here right now." The truth was that Kyuhyun had given Henry money to go shopping to get him out of the way, "Besides, he makes me feel stupid." 

        Sungmin giggled, he was pretty much over Kyuhyun now, he realized that they weren't really meant to be, and he really shipped Kyuhyun and Ryeowook, "Go on Wookie, I'll finish the brownies." Sungmin grabbed a fifth one and stuffed it into his mouth, "Owny one mow piece." he said with his mouth full. 

        Ryeowook followed Kyuhyun out of the room and they sat down together at the dining room table, "Sawadee ka, pom cher Kyuhyun ka, (Hi, my name is Kyuhyun)." 

        "No Kyu, Ka is for girls, boys say krub, 'Sawadee krub', try it." 

        "Sawadee krub." Kyuhyun said. 

        "Good! Now what else do you need help with?" 

        "How do you 'have you eaten yet?'" Kyuhyun asked. 

        Ryeowook thought for a moment, "I think it's 'Gin kao laew yung.'" he said, "But you should still check with Henry or Siwon later." 

        "And how do you say I love you?" 

        "Chan rak ter." Ryeowook replied easily. 

        Kyuhyun grinned slyly, "Well then chan rak ter Kim Ryeowook." 

        Watching from a crack in his door, Sungmin squealed like a fangirl and clapped his hands, "Why did I ever like Kyu when he is so cute with Ryeowook!" 


        Ryeowook was still feeling awkward from what Kyuhyun had said earlier, but the words kept echoing in his head, well then chan rak ter Kim Ryeowook.

        "Donghae hyung?" 

        "Yes Ryeowookie?" 

        "Can I stay in your room tonight?" 

        "Of course Wookie." 

        Despite the fact that he was being mean to Kyuhyun he still loved his little Ryeowook, "Whats bothering you Wookie?" 

        "Kyuhyun." Ryeowook confessed, "I can't believe he and Sungmin are acting completely normal again, it makes me feel...I don't know." 

        "Awkward? Sad because you shipped them? Angry 'cause you haven't forgiven Kyu?" Donghae scowled, "I haven't." 

        "I feel...guilty, because..." he had to say it, "Because I like Kyu. I know that Minnie is over him but I still feel terrible." 

        He saw Donghae looking at him with his mouth open wide, "You like KYUHYUN?" 


        "And does Minnie know?" Donghae demaded. 

        "He guessed...and he wants me to be with Kyu but...I can't."

        "You're right! Of course you can't! What if he does the same thing he did to Minnie to you, huh?" Donghae shouted, "I'm mad at Sungmin now." 

        "Hyung." Ryeowook pleaded, "Not helping." 

        "Fine. I won't be mad at Sungmin anymore, but Kyu-"

        "Give him a break." Eunhyuk came into the room, "I would've done the same if I didn't love you." 

        "But the thing is...YOU DO." 

        Eunhyuk smirked and sat down beside Donghae, "Definitely."  Eunhyuk couldnt help but stare at Donghae's luscious lips, oh how he wanted to kiss those lips so that's what he tried to do, he placed his hand on Donghae's cheek and went in for a kiss.

        "Uh oh..." Ryeowook could see what was coming.         

        Donghae pushed him away grumpily. "Not now Hyuk."

        "But Hae!!" Eunhyuk whined

        Eunhyuk grabbed Donghae's shirt and pulled it off and-

        "Eunhyuk." Donghae scolded, "This is not for Ryeowook's innocent eyes." 

        "I am not innocent!" Ryeowook protested. 

        "Yes you are." Donghae said, "I'm not letting my little eternal maknae grow up so fast." 

        "Hyung." Ryeowook complained. 

        "He won't be so innocent once Kyu gets ahold of him." Eunhyuk said nastily. 

        Ryeowook pouted, "I'm going to find somewhere else to sleep." 

        "Why don't you just sleep in your room?" 

        "Because he wants to be in Kyu's-" Eunhyuk sang. 

        "I told you that I DON'T SHIP IT!" 

        And that was how Ryeowook left his two hyungs.

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