Chapter 26

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        Ryeowook opened his eyes and saw that he was sleeping on a white bed. There were all kinds of machines connected to him. He was in the hospital. He turned onto his side and saw Kyuhyun lying on the bed next to his, his eyes were closed. He looked dead. 

        Ryeowook started screaming again as he tried to get to Kyuhyun. Some people in white came to hold him back down but he wouldn't stop until- "Shh shh it's alright Ryeowookie it's alright hyung is here." Leeteuk said gently. Ryeowook buried his head in Leeteuk's shoulder and sobbed his heart out, "Is Kyu okay?" 

        "He's fine Wookie, he'll take a little longer than you to recover because...well you know how weak he actually is since that car accident. But the doctor promised that he will wake up later today. For now I think you should focus on something else." he smiled.

        Sungmin walked to him with two little children holding his hands. Sungjong and Sojin, "Umma!" they shouted. 

       Ryeowook laughed and cried and covered them with kisses, Sungjong turned to Heechul, "See? Umma PROMISED." 

        Heechul could not help but laugh, "And I will never doubt your umma's promises again." he told Sungjong. 

        "Where's Hyuk? Is he okay?" 

        "See that bed beside Kyu's?" Heechul asked, "Yeah, thats him. He's fine too." 

      Later that afternoon, once they had all woken up and gathered around Ryeowook's bed, Heechul revealed what had happened. 

        It turned out then when the ceiling had collapsed Yunho had managed to use his own body as a shield to cover Ryeowook and Kyuhyun as much as he could and shouted for help. As for Yonghwa....he was sentenced for 7 years in jail. 

        "So where's Yunho now?" Kyuhyun asked. 

        "He asked to be transferred to another hospital and told us that he would make an appointment. And not to visit him." Heechul said. 

        Kyuhyun laughed, "Friendly guy." 

        Ryeowook smiled, he knew something the others didn't. He knew that detective Yunho and the TVXQ Yunho were one and the same. Except when Yunho was a detective he wore a mask.

       "Lucky guy. Alot of people would die just to have the same name as the TVXQ Yunho." Sungmin observed. 

        After a while, Kyuhyun said, "Guys, can you go out?" 

        The grown up's knew why and led Sungjong and Sojin out. 

        Kyuhyun jumped into Ryeowook's bed and climbed on top of him, he straddled Ryeowook and said, "I can't wait anymore." 

        Ryeowook laughed and rubbed their clothed members together to tease Kyuhyun, "You have to wait, we can't just do it in the hospital!" 

        "Say's who? Kyuhyun asks. 

        "Say's me." A voice from the other side of the room said, "I am here and I do not want to witness anything." 

        "I don't want you to witness anything either." Kyuhyun grumbled, "I forgot you were here." 

     "Well little anchovy here will make sure he gets noticed then!" Eunhyuk said indignantly, "Ryeowook, tease him some more." 

        Ryeowook flashed an evil smile, "Okay hyung." 

        He reached into Kyuhyun's pants and stroked his length, "God dammit Ryeowook stop!" 

        "Ooooh hard already?" Ryeowook giggled naughtily, "Too bad you can't have me." 

        "You naughtly little giraffe." Kyuhyun moaned when Ryeowook did it again. 

        "Hard and wet." Ryeowook giggled. 

        "Who would know that you're such a pervert?" 

        "You!" Ryeowook answered as he drew his hand out from Kyuhyun's pants, "Don't worry Kyu once we get home you can have me." 

        "Or when I get to change rooms because I definitely will." Eunhyuk said. 

        "Yea because you want Donghae." Kyuhyun said knowingly. 

        "Whats wrong with that?" 

        "It's perverted." 

        "And what you and Wook just did isn't?" 

        Kyuhyun sighed, "Anchovy's got a point." 


        "Friend for you miss." the poilceman said as he threw Yonghwa into Seohyun's cell. 

        "Wha-? Who? Yonghwa?" she said in suprise. 

        Yonghwa remained silent. 

        "Tell me what happened." she said gently. 

        "I took revenge on them for you." he said stoutly, "They found me. Police came. I burnt the building. Nearly died."

        "Oh Yonghwa..." Seohyun whispered, "I'm so sorry." 

        "Miss?" The policeman said, "You're going to have to talk about this tomorrow." 


        "You lied didn't you? You never told us about him." 

        "I will explain when Kyuhyun and Ryeowook are here." she said calmly. 

        "You are not in control here, miss." 

        "I'll talk when they are here or nothing. Your choice." 

        The policeman sighed, "Oh fine, then it will be in a week or two, maybe longer." 

        "Why?" she asked. 

      "They're in the hospital." the policeman answered and left the room before she could say anything else. 

        "Seohyun-" Yonghwa started. 

        "Shhh." she put a finger to his lips, "You did all of that... because of me?" 

        "Well...yes." he said. 

        "Thats the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." she said softly, "Thank you." And then she gently pressed his lips against his. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. She lifted up on hand to caress his face and hair, "I love you." they whispered at the same time.


        "YAYYY!! ANCHOVY IS CHANGING ROOMS!" Eunhyuk celebrated, "BYE LOSERS!" 

        "Anchovy and fishie will be doing some naughty things in anchovy's new room." Kyuhyun said slyly, "And gamer and giraffe will be doing some naughty things here." 

        "I'm afraid not." Siwon said as he walked into the room, "Sungjong and Sojin are here to visit." 

        "And Hangeng." Hangeng added as he came in with Sungjong and Sojin, "Don't forget the Geng man."

        Kyuhyun sighed angrily, "God dammit." 

        Ryeowook giggled and repeated what he had once said, "Hard and wet." 



see guys? everything came out alright didnt it? still thinking what to do for next chapter. i cant believe its ending so fast :( or maybe i can think of another way to make it longer. i just dont want my first fic to end. oh and HAPPY HANGENG DAY TO YOU <3 go listen to suju's song 'so I' it really describes my feels now. so i pray for you. so i, so i promise you <3 so i pray for hangeng to come back xD *cries*

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