Chapter 22

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        They searched and searched, but a week later they still did not find Ryeowook, Eunhyuk and Sungjong. 

        Kyuhyun continued to go ask Seohyun everyday, but she refused to tell him anything, all she would say was, "I swear to God I didn't plan this, I have no idea where they are. And I didn't hire that man." 

        And she was telling the truth, she hadn't planned it, and she had not hired that man. He was a close friend of hers who wanted to help her, she did not pay him.

        After being thrown in jail, she had felt guilty of her crimes. But still, Kyuhyun could've covered up for her instead of throwing her in jail. So why tell them who her friend was? They weren't going to believe her anyway. Besides, this was how she was punishing Kyuhyun for treating her like this: by not telling him the little that she knew about where is family could be.

        Her friend was going to take revenge for her, not knowing she was nearly over it Kyuhyun anyway. And by taking revenge he had stirred up the little hatred that was left in Seohyun. She thought it over carefully, should she tell them? A part of her liked what was happening, but another part of her felt that she should try to help. 

        My unnies would want me to do whats right. She thought. But he did all of this for me, I can't ruin it. Meaning her friend.

        The truth was that since they had told her that her men had kidnapped Sungjong, Ryeowook and Eunhyuk, she had started liking this man, she liked the bad side of him. Every night she dreamt that she was with him in bed. His small action of love for her by taking revenge on the people she had hated won her over completely. 

        The next day, when Kyuhyun came with Kangin, she decided to give them a little hint, just for fun, "You're asking the wrong questions. If you asked the right questions I would tell you." If you asked me who my friend was or who did it instead of saying that I hired him, I would tell you. Seohyun was annoying that way. 


        He shoved another pill into Ryeowook's mouth, "Eat it bitch." he smirked. 

    Ryeowook tryied to spit out, but the man warned him, "If you spit it out there will be consequences. On your kid." so Ryeowook swallowed. 

        He and Eunhyuk had been captured and taken to a small building on the bad side of town. They were forced into prostitution and Ryeowook was willing to do it to keep Sungjong safe. 

        Everynight he had to sleep with men that were not Kyuhyun, and it hurt him, now it had been three weeks. When he was not doing this he was cooped up in his small room with Eunhyuk and Sungjong. 

        Eunhyuk had also been forced into prostitution, not for revenge like Ryeowook, but for money. He was a very desirable idol. However, he was not been fed drugs like Ryeowook was, Yonghwa was doing all he could to hurt Ryeowook for Seohyun. Now, Seohyun would never go this far, but back a couple months ago she defintitely would've. If she had known what Yonghwa was doing it she definitely would've told the police about it. But she didn't know, she thought he was just holding them captive and that they were safe. She was being ripped into two, her good side and her bad side. The reason she was keeping quiet was mostly because she wanted to annoy Kyuhyun and anger him.  

        "Yonghwa please...." Ryeowook begged, "I thought-we were friends-" 

        Yonghwa sneered, "You made Seohyun unhappy." 

        "If you love her why did you try to help her get Kyuhyun back?" Ryeowook asked, tears trickling down his face. 

        "I know that she'd want me in the end. Nobody would want that little piece of shit except for you." 

        "Shut up," Eunhyuk snapped, earning him a slap on his cheek. 

        "Uncle Hyuk!" Sungjong scrambled over to help him. 

        "Have a good night," Yonghwa smirked, "It's one of your only free nights to be with your kid." and then he slammed the door shut. 

        Ryeowook sank to his knees, he had lost all hope. 


        "You found his phone?" Kyuhyun yelled, "Why didn't you find it earlier?" 

        "It was covered by a mountain of dirt and a big pile of leaves and the gardeners just cleaned it up and found it. They thought it might belong to him because thats where he was taken." 


        "It seems to be that he was about to call you but was grabbed and dropped his phone." 

      The policeman handed Kyuhyun the phone, which showed his ID caller, Kyukyu. It said. Kyuhyun smiled sadly, remembering the many names Ryeowook had had for him on his phone. Kyuhyun-shii. Kyuhyun. Kyunnie. Kyuhyunnie. Kyukyu. GameKyu. My boyfriend :3. My husband! And then back to Kyukyu. 

        "Can I- can I keep this?" he asked. 

        The policeman nodded, "You might as well, it won't be of any use to us at all."

        Kyuhyun nodded his thanks and went back home to a stressed out Henry and Zhoumi trying to feed a crying Sojin, "UM-MAAAAAAA!" she screamed her head off, "I WANT UMMA!" 

        Kyuhyun hugged her tight and his tears fell, "Don't worry my little baby, we'll find your umma and our Sungjong if it's the last thing we do." 

        He never thought it would be cnblue's Yonghwa. 



don't get me wrong i don't hate yonghwa or anything its just the yongseo ship u know. i can't just make a random dude we don't ship her with like her it has to be yongie xD 

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